16.5 GB
2024-1-3 17:03
2025-2-15 23:09
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CONFidence 2006/video/bromirski routing.mp443.67MB
CONFidence 2006/video/brylka high.mp436.22MB
CONFidence 2006/video/bylina.mp426.6MB
CONFidence 2006/video/frasunek blue.mp433.07MB
CONFidence 2006/video/klausa voip.mp453.99MB
CONFidence 2006/video/kleptografia.mp428.61MB
CONFidence 2006/video/mackowiak kryptografia.mp434.3MB
CONFidence 2006/video/miga apache.mp459.88MB
CONFidence 2006/video/ontrack.mp426.68MB
CONFidence 2006/video/put.mp427.1MB
CONFidence 2006/video/rutkowska malware.mp469.6MB
CONFidence 2006/video/sajko iptables.mp428.98MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Adrian Pastor.mp457.85MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Alberto Revelli.mp453.36MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Alessio.mp445.58MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Angelo Rosiello.mp453.94MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Dan Gryffin.mp435.57MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Dinis Cruz.mp440.19MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Felix Kronlage.mp432.31MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Grzegorz Wrobel.mp439.16MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Joanna Rutkowska.mp471.03MB
CONFidence 2008/video/John Fitzgerald Tomasz Miklas.mp438.59MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Lukasz Bromirski.mp440.03MB
CONFidence 2008/video/pdp.mp446.56MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Raoul Chiesa Hackers.mp441.29MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Raoul Chiesa SCADA.mp450.92MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Sarah Deacon.mp436.76MB
CONFidence 2008/video/Wojciech Swiatek.mp452.23MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Adam Zabrocki - Crashdumps hunt 0days and rootkits.mp492.32MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Arseny Reutov - PHP Object Injection revisted.mp473.59MB
CONFidence 2013/video/CONFIdence 2013.mp44.92MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Devesh Bhatt My Experiments with truth a different route to bug hunting.mp471.28MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Evgeny Neyolov & Dmitriy Chastuchin Breaking, Forensicating and Anti Forensicating SAP Portal and J2.mp473.54MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Fernando Gont - Network Reconnaissance in IPv6 Networks.mp494.07MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Gawel Mikolajczyk Networking Security Treasures.mp4100.68MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Georgia Weidman Can You Hear Me Now Leveraging Mobile Devices on Pentests.mp488.83MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Grzegorz Niemirowski - Desktop applications vulnerabilities.mp490.94MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Gynvael Coldwind, Mateusz j00ru Jurczyk Beyond MOV ADD XOR - the unusual and unexpected in x86.mp4113.61MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Ilja van Sprudel - Linux Desktop Insecurity.mp488.93MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Jesse Burns - Securing Data in Mobile Application Suites.mp484.24MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Julian Bangert, Sergey Bratus - ELF Eccentricities.mp483.95MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Mariusz Sawczuk, Jochen Belke - Invisible attacks - visible in your network.mp491.23MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Meredith L Patterson - LANGSEC 2011 2016.mp474.12MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Michal Sajdak Embedded Devices Hacking (2).mp466.89MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Nguyen Anh Quynh - Opticode machine code deobfuscation for malware analysts.mp473.83MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Nikita Tarakanov - Exploiting Hardcore Pool Corruptions in Microsoft Windows Kernel.mp455.88MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Rebecca Bx Shapiro, Julian Bangert, Sergey Bratus Any Input Is a Program Weird Machines in ABI.mp484.03MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Robert Lipovski The Facebook PokerAgent.mp448.74MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Yaniv Miron, MC Ph0k 0 days, We Will Pwn U with Hardware Mofos.mp483.79MB
CONFidence 2013/video/Yury Chemerkin Insecurities in blackberry.mp467.05MB
CONFidence 2014/50 Shades of RED Stories from the Playroom - Chris Nickerson.mp480.24MB
CONFidence 2014/All your SAP P@$$w0ЯdZ belong to us - Dimitry Chastuhin.mp466.93MB
CONFidence 2014/Asymmetric Defense Using your home-field advantage - Brian Wohlwinder.mp478.36MB
CONFidence 2014/ATMs - We kick their ass - Marcel Carlsson, Yaniv Miron.mp488.35MB
CONFidence 2014/Bitcoin Forensics Fact or Fiction - Evgeny Neyolov.mp455.77MB
CONFidence 2014/CONFidence 2014 day 1.mp42.2MB
CONFidence 2014/CONFidence 2014 making of.mp41.26MB
CONFidence 2014/CONFidence 2014.mp46.26MB
CONFidence 2014/Evaluation of Transactional Controls in e-Banking Systems - A. Bolibok, P. Golen.mp493.53MB
CONFidence 2014/Exploring treasures of 77FEh - Vlatko Kosturjak.mp479.92MB
CONFidence 2014/Hacking the Czech Parliament via SMS - J. Bednar, P. Luptak.mp492.11MB
CONFidence 2014/NSA for dummies ...methods to break RSA - Aluc Dracul.mp4103.71MB
CONFidence 2014/On the battlefield with the Dragons - G. Coldwind, M. Jurczyk.mp4101.95MB
CONFidence 2014/Preventing violation of memory safety in C C software - Andreas Bogk.mp452.89MB
CONFidence 2014/Protecting Big Data at Scale - Davi Ottenheimer.mp483.83MB
CONFidence 2014/SCADA deep inside protocols and security mechanisms - Alexander Timorin.mp474.85MB
CONFidence 2014/Scaling Security - Robert Kiss, Mihaly Zagon, Attila Zseller.mp498.2MB
CONFidence 2014/Security Implications of the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing - Gergely Revay.mp482.94MB
CONFidence 2014/Shameful secrets of proprietary protocols - Slawomir Jasek, Jakub Kaluzny.mp4102.89MB
CONFidence 2014/The Tale of 100 CVE s - Prajal Kulkarni.mp431.2MB
CONFidence 2014/Xtraction Point.mp45.09MB
CONFidence 2015/Abusing apns for profit (Karol Wiesek).mp455.14MB
CONFidence 2015/Analiza przypadku Carbanak - jak uniknac powtorki. (Przemyslaw Skowron).mp458.46MB
CONFidence 2015/AppSec, the untrustable dev (Timur Khrotko).mp469.23MB
CONFidence 2015/APT x 3 - wybrane studium przypadkow (Borys Lacki).mp457.14MB
CONFidence 2015/Automated Security scanning (Frank Breedijk, Glenn ten Cate).mp480.86MB
CONFidence 2015/Bypassing malware detection mechanisms (Jakub Kaluzny, Mateusz Olejarka).mp465.75MB
CONFidence 2015/CaaS (Crime-as-a-Service) - czy kazdy moze zostac cyberprzestepca (Jaroslaw Sordyl).mp459.86MB
CONFidence 2015/Closing Ceremony.mp412.53MB
CONFidence 2015/CONFidence CTF 2015 Tasks explained.mp4102.99MB
CONFidence 2015/dcua.mp412.6MB
CONFidence 2015/Defensive Time-Out - Time & Security (Blazej Boczula).mp479.16MB
CONFidence 2015/Dragon Sector, CONFidence CTF intro.mp413.58MB
CONFidence 2015/DTrace OS X = Fun (Andrzej Dyjak).mp454.55MB
CONFidence 2015/first day.mp410.48MB
CONFidence 2015/Fuzz your way into the web server s zoo (Andrey Plastunov).mp469.33MB
CONFidence 2015/H4x0rPsch0rr.mp427.72MB
CONFidence 2015/HackingForSoju.mp414.83MB
CONFidence 2015/High Availability of Onet Sites and Services (Rafal Chyzy).mp467.31MB
CONFidence 2015/How to Steal Bitcoins (Daniel Shearer, Nick Zeeb).mp479.09MB
CONFidence 2015/Interview with Gynvael Coldwind.mp411.9MB
CONFidence 2015/Interview with Martin Nystrom.mp420.1MB
CONFidence 2015/Interview with Rafael Silva.mp411.21MB
CONFidence 2015/Interview with Richard Thieme.mp418.08MB
CONFidence 2015/iOS Hacking Advanced Pentest & Forensic Techniques (Omer S. Coskun).mp478.26MB
CONFidence 2015/Let s play SOCer Security Operations Center i Teoria Chaosu (Michal Horubala).mp456.41MB
CONFidence 2015/making of.mp43.44MB
CONFidence 2015/MIMOSAWRITERROUTER - Abusing EPC on Cisco Router. (Joaquim Espinhara, Rafael Silva).mp468.21MB
CONFidence 2015/Opening Ceremony.mp414.79MB
CONFidence 2015/pgp you said a crypto rant with aluc. (Aluc Dracul).mp495.84MB
CONFidence 2015/Polska cyber armia ochotnikow (Gatis GRAUDINS).mp479.39MB
CONFidence 2015/Polska Cyber Armia Ochotnikow (panel dyskusyjny).mp4287.73MB
CONFidence 2015/Real World Threat Hunting (Martin Nystrom).mp494.31MB
CONFidence 2015/Recap.mp49.5MB
CONFidence 2015/SCADA and mobile (Alexander Bolshev, Ivan Iushkevich).mp482.05MB
CONFidence 2015/Security challenges in an ever-changing world (Zoltan Bakos).mp421.92MB
CONFidence 2015/SNATCH THE ROOT.mp414.87MB
CONFidence 2015/The (Io)Things you don t even need to hack. Should we worry (Slawomir Jasek).mp477.09MB
CONFidence 2015/The Modern Wired Terrorist Mind Spy versus Bot versus Spy (Richard Thieme).mp4157.53MB
CONFidence 2015/Trust boundaries (Mateusz Kocielski).mp472.6MB
CONFidence 2015/Unusual security problems in web applications.. (Michal Sajdak).mp4107.93MB
CONFidence 2015/when something overflowing... (Peter Hlavaty).mp452.44MB
CONFidence 2015/Who put the backdoor in my modem (Ewerson (Crash) Guimaraes).mp465.56MB
CONFidence 2015/Wywiad z Jaroslawem Sordylem.mp415.02MB
CONFidence 2015/Wywiad z Michalem Olczakiem.mp411.46MB
CONFidence 2015/Wywiad z Miroslawem Majem.mp423.33MB
CONFidence 2015/Wywiad z Natalia Luczak.mp411.25MB
CONFidence 2016/Android RE and malware analysis 101 (Alexander Antukh, Daniel Ramirez Martin).mp442.2MB
CONFidence 2016/CONFidence 2016 - trailer.mp43.81MB
CONFidence 2016/From a life of SOC Analyst (Jacek Grymuza).mp465.9MB
CONFidence 2016/Introduction to iOS Application Security Testing (Slawomir Kosowski).mp474.05MB
CONFidence 2016/Lessons from Vanity. Zero-Knowledge Work (David Fuhr).mp461.28MB
CONFidence 2016/Live from CONFidence 2016.mp42.48MB
CONFidence 2016/Security and forensic projects based on Raspberry Pi devices (Marcin Kaczmarek).mp479.77MB
CONFidence 2016/SOTI and Attacks (Marco Pacchiardo).mp487.04MB
CONFidence 2017/CONFidence 2017 recap.mp45.89MB
CONFidence 2017/Cryptography used for jihadism, from Internet to software (Julie Gommes).mp439.21MB
CONFidence 2017/Cyberprzestepczosc - wyzwaniem w pracy Policji (Jan Klima).mp480.04MB
CONFidence 2017/Czlowiek w systemie bezpieczenstwa (Paulina Piasecka, Krzysztof Liedel).mp465.18MB
CONFidence 2017/Deploying Secure NFS in a Large Enterprise (Moritz Willers).mp431.97MB
CONFidence 2017/Dlaczego strategia bezpieczenstwa to za malo (Filip Nowak).mp463.55MB
CONFidence 2017/Escaping the (sand)box (Robert Swiecki).mp465.18MB
CONFidence 2017/Gigamon (Piotr Pietras) Hiding in Plain Sight (Adam Burt).mp440.85MB
CONFidence 2017/Hacker Inside Dude (Pawel Maziarz, Karol Celinski).mp466.41MB
CONFidence 2017/Hackers vs SOC - 12 hours to break in, 250 days to detect (Gabriel Wierzbieniec).mp457.78MB
CONFidence 2017/Hacking Card Emulation (Slawomir Jasek).mp470.61MB
CONFidence 2017/Hacking embedded with OpenWrt (Vladimir 'vovcia' Mitiouchev).mp468.58MB
CONFidence 2017/How governments push forward the security of cryptomarkets (Pavol Luptak).mp483.76MB
CONFidence 2017/Interview with Gawel Mikolajczyk (Cisco).mp418.02MB
CONFidence 2017/Interview with Rafal zbikowski and Virpi Heinonen Mulish (UBS).mp411.32MB
CONFidence 2017/Odpowiedz organow scigania na przestepczosc... (Dominik Rozdzialowski).mp469.15MB
CONFidence 2017/Post-its, post-its, post-its everywhere (Jos Weyers).mp481.04MB
CONFidence 2017/Red teaming in Poland - test cases (Borys lacki).mp475.96MB
CONFidence 2017/SCADA and mobile in the IoT times (Alexander Bolshev, Ivan Yushkievich).mp469.06MB
CONFidence 2017/Stories from the SOC - vol. 2017 (Gawel Mikolajczyk).mp496.35MB
CONFidence 2017/Threat Management in Mozilla (Michal Purzynski).mp459.24MB
CONFidence 2017/Where should I host my malware (Attila Marosi).mp455.46MB
CONFidence 2017/Windows privilege escalation using 3rd party services (Kacper Szurek).mp445.81MB
CONFidence 2018/A 2018 practical guide to hacking RFID NFC (Sławomir Jasek).mp4106.59MB
CONFidence 2018/Attacking web servers via run time configuration (Eldar Marcussen).mp477.08MB
CONFidence 2018/Bezpieczeństwo przy tysiącach wdrożeń (Wojciech Lesicki, Paweł Czubachowski).mp440.4MB
CONFidence 2018/Busting Advanced BotNet’s (Senad Aruc).mp450.69MB
CONFidence 2018/Conference Recap.mp49.81MB
CONFidence 2018/CREDS - new distributed certificate management system (Michal Jarmolkowicz).mp440.61MB
CONFidence 2018/Darknet (Piotr Bazydło).mp472.04MB
CONFidence 2018/Detecting Phishing from pDNS (Irena Damsky).mp492.82MB
CONFidence 2018/Everything’s Connected aka Threat Intelligence 102 (Marcin Siedlarz).mp471.66MB
CONFidence 2018/Google's journey with CSP (Lukas Weichselbaum, Michele Spagnuolo).mp472.9MB
CONFidence 2018/Hacking REST APIs - 20 cases (Michał Sajdak).mp482.13MB
CONFidence 2018/Hacking Robots Before Skynet (Lucas Apa).mp491.43MB
CONFidence 2018/Hunting for the secrets in a cloud forest (Paweł Rzepa).mp481.06MB
CONFidence 2018/Intel ME Security keys Genealogy, Obfuscation (Dmitry Sklyarov, Maxim Goryachy).mp431.05MB
CONFidence 2018/Invoke-DOSfuscation (Daniel Bohannon).mp492.99MB
CONFidence 2018/Jailbreak - dylematy hazardzisty w pentestach aplikacji iOS (Wojciech Reguła).mp485.07MB
CONFidence 2018/Linux Kernel Runtime Guard (LKRG) under the hood (Adam pi3 Zabrocki).mp4111.01MB
CONFidence 2018/Military style tactics in the fight against Cybercrime (TJ Campana).mp429.64MB
CONFidence 2018/Myth Busters The DLP Edition (Ido Naor, Dani Goland).mp452.91MB
CONFidence 2018/Network security monitoring on a massive scale (Michał Purzyński).mp483.77MB
CONFidence 2018/Outsmarting smart contracts (Damian Rusinek).mp498.34MB
CONFidence 2018/Pentesting Voice Biometrics Solutions (Jakub Kałużny).mp485.96MB
CONFidence 2018/Polskie kampanie malware w 2017 (Adam Haertle, Adam Lange).mp462.59MB
CONFidence 2018/Practical intelligence-driven defense (Igor Ivanov, Daniil Yugoslavskiy).mp479.4MB
CONFidence 2018/Remote detection of low and medium interaction honeypots (Julio C. Fort).mp437.6MB
CONFidence 2018/Security Awareness for VIPs. Piece of cake or a tough nut to crack (Piotr Peszko).mp476.48MB
CONFidence 2018/Spear phishing - jak się bronić Case studies (Borys Łącki).mp455.43MB
CONFidence 2018/Splunk - bezpieczeństwo pracy użytkowników w Office 365 (Jakub Goral).mp434.68MB
CONFidence 2018/Surfin on you CAN-bus (Thomas Fischer).mp4105.93MB
CONFidence 2018/The new era of Digital Investigations past, present and future (Selene Giupponi).mp441.44MB
CONFidence 2018/V4GR4 Cyber-Crime, Enlarged (Koby Kilimnik).mp452.39MB
CONFidence 2018/Who and why should fear hardware trojans (Adam Kostrzewa).mp476.2MB
CONFidence 2018/XSS in Google's application and bypassing CSP (Michał Bentkowski).mp454.18MB
CONFidence 2018/XSS is dead. We just don't get it (Mario Heiderich).mp487.16MB
CONFidence 2019/A Monitoring Platform for Kubernetes... - Valentine Mairet, Vincent Ruijter.mp489.99MB
CONFidence 2019/Breaking Extreme Networks WingOS How to own millions of... - Josep Pi Rodriguez.mp492.1MB
CONFidence 2019/Cyber Policja - co to i z czym to sie je - lukasz Pietrzyk.mp423.05MB
CONFidence 2019/Day One.mp41.91MB
CONFidence 2019/Gdy umiera framework… Studium przypadku CVE-2018-12533 - Daniel Kalinowski.mp432.36MB
CONFidence 2019/How Neurodiversity can be Leveraged for an Excellent ROI - Megan Roddie.mp498.82MB
CONFidence 2019/Inside Cybercrime Groups Harvesting Active Directory for Fun... - Vitali Kremez.mp495.03MB
CONFidence 2019/Inter-application vulnerabilities - hunting for bugs in... - Marcin Szydlowski.mp490.55MB
CONFidence 2019/Into the Fog - The Return of ICEFOG APT - Chi En (Ashley) Shen.mp4104.79MB
CONFidence 2019/Is your browser secure Breaking cryptography in... - Michal Jarmolkowicz.mp474.33MB
CONFidence 2019/Kradziez tozsamosci - problemem spoleczenstwa informacyjnego XXI... - - Jan Klima.mp4123.26MB
CONFidence 2019/Latest Android threats and their techniques - Lukas Stefanko.mp430.42MB
CONFidence 2019/Let's play a game - challenges... - Konrad Antonowicz, Bartosz Dzirba, Dom Storey.mp4107.49MB
CONFidence 2019/Meet Me in the Middle Threat Indications & Warning to enable... - Joe Slowik.mp497.22MB
CONFidence 2019/New Tales of Wireless Input Devices - Matthias Deeg, Gerhard Klostermeier.mp4126.58MB
CONFidence 2019/Playing in the Sandbox Adobe Flash Exploitation Tales - Björn Ruytenberg.mp492.18MB
CONFidence 2019/Powershell kung-fu - Pawel Maziarz.mp4109.38MB
CONFidence 2019/Revenge of The Script Kiddies Current Day Uses... - Ophir Harpaz, Or Safran.mp425.24MB
CONFidence 2019/Sandbox dla PowerShell'a - zrob to sam - Dawid Pachowski.mp4108.27MB
CONFidence 2019/Security of the IVR systems and call centers - Aleksandr Kolchanov.mp456.26MB
CONFidence 2019/SIEM wedlug potrzeb Elasticsearch, Energy Logserver, Wazuh, Bro....mp498.85MB
CONFidence 2019/Sneaking Past Device Guard - Philip Tsukerman.mp4118.28MB
CONFidence 2019/the biggest IT security conference in CEE.mp45.18MB
CONFidence 2019/The magic of XSS - not only in web applications - Michal Bentkowski.mp485.82MB
CONFidence 2019/Utilizing YARA to Find Evolving Malware - Jay Rosenberg.mp4111.29MB
CONFidence 2019/Vulnerabilities for Sale - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Udo Schneider.mp4101.39MB
CONFidence 2019/Vulnerabilities from a grave. Forever dead or maybe alive... - Michal Sajdak.mp426.98MB
CONFidence 2019/Wykorzystanie stylometrii i uczenia... - Edward Szczypka, Wojciech Pilszak -.mp412.3MB
CONFidence 2019/Z kamera wsrod zwierzat, czyli uzytkownik kontra technologia - Adam Haertle.mp461.53MB
CONFidence 2020/A fusion of Ancient & New Arsenal (Hiroshi Takeuchi, Hajime Yanagishita).mp441.07MB
CONFidence 2020/Active Directory - atak i obrona (Wojciech Lesicki, Paweł Małkiewicz).mp448.57MB
CONFidence 2020/African Financial Threats (AFT) in Action (Bartek Jerzman).mp463.53MB
CONFidence 2020/Android Covid-19 threats (Lukas Štefanko).mp417.94MB
CONFidence 2020/Boot2root Auditing Boot Loaders by Example (Ilja van Sprundel, Joseph Tartaro).mp436.4MB
CONFidence 2020/CONFidence 38+2 karty flash z wkładką - dane gratis (Marcin D. Hankiewicz).mp474.31MB
CONFidence 2020/Defending Against The Dark Arts of LOLBINS (Brent Muir).mp427.25MB
CONFidence 2020/DNS in offensive techniques - from the inside out (Piotr Głaska).mp435.37MB
CONFidence 2020/Don't Ruck Us Again - The Exploit Returns (Gal Zror).mp446.84MB
CONFidence 2020/Effectively and efficiently reversing Android applications (Max ‘Libra’ Kersten).mp428.27MB
CONFidence 2020/From The Cloud To The Ground aka From Heaven To HELL (Dani Goland, Mohsan Farid).mp441.32MB
CONFidence 2020/From the OWASP Top Ten(s) to the OWASP ASVS (Jim Manico).mp419.44MB
CONFidence 2020/How North Korean Hackers are Working with European Cybercriminals (Vitali Kremez).mp450.4MB
CONFidence 2020/How to pwn a Bank using kitchen knives (Maciej Michałowski).mp454.57MB
CONFidence 2020/I've got 419 Problems and BEC Isn't Just One (Ronnie Tokazowski).mp463.26MB
CONFidence 2020/IoT in the criminal underground (David Sancho).mp434.35MB
CONFidence 2020/Jak ominąć analityka (Ireneusz Tarnowski).mp472.67MB
CONFidence 2020/Lazarus’ Dtrack marathon (Sveva Vittoria Scenarelli, John Southworth).mp464.56MB
CONFidence 2020/Lost in Translation When Protocol Translation goes Wrong (Dr. Marco Balduzzi).mp456.18MB
CONFidence 2020/Making developers security aware. Lessons learnt. (Mateusz Olejarka).mp424.69MB
CONFidence 2020/Mind Games Using Data to Solve for the Human Element (Masha Sedova).mp443.88MB
CONFidence 2020/Mylobot, Detecting the Undetected with Deep Learning (Yael Daihes).mp464.05MB
CONFidence 2020/New Era in Telecom Hacking (Ali Abdollahi).mp422.83MB
CONFidence 2020/Pivoting and Exploitation in Docker Environment (Filipi Pires).mp462.33MB
CONFidence 2020/Rage Of The Kittens (Ido Naor, Ohad Zaidenberg).mp454.1MB
CONFidence 2020/Reverse Engineering archeology (Shlomi Oberman, Moshe Kol, Ariel Schön).mp462.27MB
CONFidence 2020/Software Zero-Day Discovery A Journey from Main to Return (Kushal Arvind Shah).mp451.37MB
CONFidence 2020/Super Charge your Purple Team Exercises with Threat Intelligence (Xena Olsen).mp460.98MB
CONFidence 2020/Two critical vulnerabilities that affected millions of Azure users( Omer Tsafarti).mp436.64MB
CONFidence 2020/Understanding Screaming Channels (Giovanni Camurati).mp425.72MB
CONFidence 2020/Unveil the devil (Félix Aimé, Ivan Kwiatkowski).mp431.57MB
CONFidence 2020/USB Attacks Past, Present and Future (Rogan Dawes).mp431.92MB
CONFidence 2020/Web Skimmers Seek & Destroy (Pedro Fortuna).mp440.66MB
CONFidence 2020/When your outside world is your inside world - Mozilla IAM (Michał Purzyński).mp427.67MB
CONFidence 2020/You can also design and test your hardware trojan (Adam Kostrzewa).mp446.36MB
CONFidence 2020/Złap mnie jeśli potrafisz, czyli z phishingiem zabawa w kotka i myszkę (Adam Lange).mp461.48MB
CONFidence 2021/A deep dive into the operations of the LockBit ransomware group - Senad Aruc.mp441.53MB
CONFidence 2021/About non-obvious methods of attacking and penetrating the AWS cloud - Paweł Rzepa.mp456.33MB
CONFidence 2021/Behind the scenes of cyber solutions vendors (Insider info) - Yaniv Miron.mp428.93MB
CONFidence 2021/Bitcoin is silver, compromise is gold Sveva Vittoria Scenarelli.mp451.7MB
CONFidence 2021/Centrum kontroli odlotów czyli jakoś(ć) zarządzania - Michał Purzyński [PL].mp439.49MB
CONFidence 2021/Dark networks, worlds and communication - Łukasz Bromirski.mp466.21MB
CONFidence 2021/DevSecOps at scale - Marcin Szydłowski, Arkadiusz Suś.mp468.03MB
CONFidence 2021/For the third time, everything wrong - Pavol Luptak.mp439MB
CONFidence 2021/How secure are webinar platforms - Michał Ogorzałek.mp423.52MB
CONFidence 2021/Keep your code safe during the development path using Opensource - Filipi Pires.mp442.02MB
CONFidence 2021/Malware development for advanced adversary simulation- Patryk Czeczko, Paweł Kordos.mp445.04MB
CONFidence 2021/Mental Health Hackers Contents Under Pressure - Megan Roddie.mp448.56MB
CONFidence 2021/RANSOMWARE UNCOVERED 2020-2021 - Alexander Kalinin.mp436.45MB
CONFidence 2021/Request Forgery on the Web - SSRF, CSRF and Clickjacking - Jim Manico.mp436.2MB
CONFidence 2021/See Ya Sharp A Loader's Tale - Max - Libra - Kersten.mp446.14MB
CONFidence 2021/Software Supply Chain Security - why and how to protect our - Artur Kuliński.mp458.24MB
CONFidence 2021/Sysmon - przyjaciel każdego threat huntera - Marcin Ratajczyk [PL].mp458.42MB
CONFidence 2021/The Coming AI Hackers - Bruce Schneier.mp443.81MB
CONFidence 2021/The story of one cyber-attack - Konrad Antonowicz, Jacek Grymuza [PL].mp465.19MB
CONFidence 2021/The unfortunate journey of radio-protocol mistakes - Marco Balduzzi.mp451.88MB
CONFidence 2021/Utilizing Adversary Engagement as a Defensive Weapon - Karen Lamb, J.R. Manes.mp431.11MB
CONFidence 2021/Wędkarstwo dla Myśliwych v2.0 - Adam Lange [PL].mp441.23MB
CONFidence London 2018/Application Real-time Monitoring to Hunt Malicious Injections (Pedro Fortuna).mp452.35MB
CONFidence London 2018/Detecting Man-In-The-Browser banking malware in practice (Adam Lange).mp443.51MB
CONFidence London 2018/Does it take AI to break your AI (Jakub Kaluzny).mp452.14MB
CONFidence London 2018/Insecure HTTP Headers - web application vulnerabilities (Marcin Szydłowski).mp425.06MB
CONFidence London 2018/Modern Cyber-Warfare Against Crypto-Currency Exchanges (Dani Goland, Ido Naor).mp441.39MB