[Tutorialsplanet.NET] C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming
3.81 GB
2020-2-4 23:48
2025-2-5 14:34
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[Tutorialsplanet.NET] C, C++, Python and Ruby Programming.torrent
10. Time, Date and Calendar Modules/1. Time module.mp414.98MB
10. Time, Date and Calendar Modules/2. Time module example.mp415.76MB
10. Time, Date and Calendar Modules/3. delay time example.mp46.79MB
10. Time, Date and Calendar Modules/4. Small assignment.mp45.68MB
10. Time, Date and Calendar Modules/5. Calendar module.mp421.54MB
11. Working with Files/1. Files intoduction.mp47.96MB
11. Working with Files/2. Rename and Remove files.mp48.98MB
11. Working with Files/3. Working with folders.mp422.43MB
11. Working with Files/4. Exceptions.mp412.04MB
11. Working with Files/5. Formatting inside print().mp413.99MB
11. Working with Files/6. .format() function.mp421.57MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/1. Class and Object Introduction.mp45.92MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/2. Class creation.mp412.03MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/3. Constructor method.mp415.78MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/4. Student class example.mp416.92MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/5. Special Functions.mp418.15MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/6. Inheritance.mp46.62MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/7. overloading.mp49.83MB
12. OOPs in Python Object Oriented Programming/8. conclusion.mp44.58MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/1. 1 Introduction to ruby.mp411.72MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/2. 2 Ruby software install.mp428.32MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/3. 3 First program.mp48.17MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/4. 4 Basic numbers.mp413.89MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/5. 5 Commenting.mp48.29MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/6. 6 variables.mp412.41MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/7. 7 text editor and file.mp414.58MB
13. Ruby Programming Introduction/8. 8 User input.mp415.44MB
14. Decision Making/1. 9 If statement.mp411.22MB
14. Decision Making/2. 10 if else statements.mp413.54MB
15. Examples/1. 11 Program to find odd or even.mp410.31MB
15. Examples/2. 12 vowel or consonant.mp48.21MB
15. Examples/3. 13 Finding greatest number.mp410.43MB
16. Operators/1. 14 Operators in ruby.mp419.1MB
17. Loops in Ruby/1. 16 While Loop.mp47.55MB
17. Loops in Ruby/10. 25 redo.mp47.18MB
17. Loops in Ruby/11. 26 .times.mp42.61MB
17. Loops in Ruby/12. 27 Password example.mp415.79MB
17. Loops in Ruby/13. 28 chomp.mp45.02MB
17. Loops in Ruby/14. 29 print vs puts.mp411.2MB
17. Loops in Ruby/15. 30 Interpolation.mp412.3MB
17. Loops in Ruby/2. 17 Until Loop.mp412.47MB
17. Loops in Ruby/3. 18 For Loops.mp47.63MB
17. Loops in Ruby/4. 19 Program to find factorial of any number.mp418.09MB
17. Loops in Ruby/5. 20 Program to print multiplication table.mp46.06MB
17. Loops in Ruby/6. 21 Multi multiplication table.mp410.14MB
17. Loops in Ruby/7. 22 Exponent value.mp45MB
17. Loops in Ruby/8. 23 Break Statement.mp48.39MB
17. Loops in Ruby/9. 24 Next statement.mp44.11MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/1. 31 Arrays.mp414.55MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/10. 40 methods with arguements.mp45.38MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/11. 41 list as arguement.mp414.62MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/12. 42 user entered array.mp410.72MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/2. 32 Push and Pop in arrays.mp49.48MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/3. 33 loop in arrays.mp44.65MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/4. 34 Adding arrays.mp48.52MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/5. 35 Hashes.mp48.26MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/6. 36 Hashes methods.mp44.74MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/7. 37 Methods Introduction.mp410.23MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/8. 38 Methods example.mp410.72MB
18. Arrays and Hashes/9. 39 add and sub example.mp425.01MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/1. 43 OOPs Introduction.mp413.8MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/10. 52 string method.mp47.95MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/11. 53 Multiple Inheritance.mp412.64MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/12. 54 Modules.mp410.06MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/13. 55 Begin and end blocks.mp46.91MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/14. 56 Class Variable.mp412.42MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/15. 57 Class Variable example.mp411.99MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/16. 58 Class method or self method.mp47.34MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/17. 59 setter and getter methods.mp419.18MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/18. 60 Global Variable.mp44.04MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/19. 61 Constants.mp46.2MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/2. 44 Class and Object.mp45.63MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/20. 62 Object Freeze.mp49.5MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/21. 63 require statement to load files.mp47.6MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/22. 64 Ranges.mp414.16MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/3. 45 Class and objects example.mp411.69MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/4. 46 Accessing attributes.mp422.94MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/5. 47 Constructor method.mp415.11MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/6. 48 attr_reader,writer,accessor.mp421.18MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/7. 49 singleton.mp47.9MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/8. 50 Inheritance.mp415.41MB
19. Object Oriented Programming in Ruby/9. 51 Method overriding.mp47.88MB
2. Python Programming Introduction/1. Introduction.mp412.91MB
2. Python Programming Introduction/2. First Program.mp418.81MB
2. Python Programming Introduction/3. Basics.mp415.66MB
2. Python Programming Introduction/4. Commenting.mp415.48MB
20. Blocks/1. 65 Blocks.mp45.71MB
20. Blocks/2. 66 Blocks example.mp48.06MB
20. Blocks/3. 67 Blocks with arguement.mp43.41MB
20. Blocks/4. 68 Blocks Example.mp47.09MB
20. Blocks/5. 69 Blocks with reference.mp45.38MB
21. Procs and Lambda/1. 70 Procs.mp43.28MB
21. Procs and Lambda/10. 79 Time Class.mp417.18MB
21. Procs and Lambda/11. 80 conclusion.mp43.87MB
21. Procs and Lambda/2. 71 Proc Example.mp44.74MB
21. Procs and Lambda/3. 72 Lambda.mp42.25MB
21. Procs and Lambda/4. 73 Proc.new and implicit method.mp48.23MB
21. Procs and Lambda/5. 74 Example.mp428.72MB
21. Procs and Lambda/6. 75 Difference between proc and lambda.mp414.91MB
21. Procs and Lambda/7. 76 last diff between lambda and proc.mp46.98MB
21. Procs and Lambda/8. 77 proc and arity method.mp49.48MB
21. Procs and Lambda/9. 78 Example.mp413.49MB
22. C++ Programming Introduction/1. 1 Introduction.mp44.03MB
22. C++ Programming Introduction/2. 2 First program.mp420.86MB
22. C++ Programming Introduction/3. 3 comment and endl.mp412.23MB
23. Data types/2. 5 data types integer.mp411.86MB
23. Data types/3. 6 data type char.mp43.66MB
23. Data types/4. 7 data type float.mp45MB
23. Data types/6. 9 user input data.mp49.27MB
24. Examples/1. 10 program to convert gallons to litres.mp46.66MB
24. Examples/2. 11 program to add two numbers.mp47.03MB
24. Examples/3. 12 program to swap two numbers.mp415.56MB
24. Examples/4. 13 printing the name and age.mp49.22MB
25. Constant, Escape Sequence, Define and Operators in C++/1. 14 Escape sequence.mp47.46MB
25. Constant, Escape Sequence, Define and Operators in C++/2. 15 constants.mp46.75MB
25. Constant, Escape Sequence, Define and Operators in C++/3. 16 new line using define.mp45.29MB
25. Constant, Escape Sequence, Define and Operators in C++/4. 17 operators in c++.mp415.85MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/1. 19 if else satements introdution.mp413.59MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/10. 27 while loop.mp48.41MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/11. 28 do while loop.mp47.42MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/12. 29 Finding the factorial of number.mp410.6MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/2. 20 Program to find number is positive or negative.mp411.64MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/3. 21 c++ program to find the largest number.mp415.06MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/4. 22 nested if statements.mp47.14MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/6. 23 Loops Introduction.mp46.21MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/7. 24 For Loop Example.mp411MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/8. 25 Program to print multiplication table.mp411.32MB
26. If Else Statements and Loops in C++/9. 26 Nested For Loops.mp46.46MB
27. Control Statements and Functions/1. 30 Break statement.mp44.63MB
27. Control Statements and Functions/2. 31 continue statement.mp49.05MB
27. Control Statements and Functions/3. 32 Switch-Case Statements.mp419.22MB
27. Control Statements and Functions/4. 33 Functions in c++ Introduction.mp410.99MB
27. Control Statements and Functions/5. 34 Functions in c++ example add( ).mp413.19MB
27. Control Statements and Functions/6. 35 Functions example2.mp413.61MB
28. Arrays/1. 36 Arrays Introduction.mp416.6MB
28. Arrays/2. 37 one dimensional arrays.mp46.14MB
28. Arrays/3. 38 one dimensional array example.mp411.59MB
28. Arrays/4. 39 array example 2.mp413.66MB
28. Arrays/5. 40 array example 3.mp410.13MB
28. Arrays/6. 41 adding marks using arrays.mp413.09MB
29. Multi-Dimensional Arrays/1. 42 Two dimensional arrays.mp411.95MB
29. Multi-Dimensional Arrays/2. 43 Two dimensional array example.mp48.94MB
29. Multi-Dimensional Arrays/3. 44 Three dimensional arrays.mp410.41MB
29. Multi-Dimensional Arrays/4. 45 Adding two arrays.mp423.97MB
3. Variables and Data Types/1. Variables.mp416.86MB
3. Variables and Data Types/2. variables 2.mp49.27MB
3. Variables and Data Types/3. User entered data.mp416.19MB
3. Variables and Data Types/4. Operators.mp411.88MB
30. Strings/1. 46 Strings in C++ Introduction.mp420.7MB
30. Strings/2. 47 String Example.mp411.52MB
30. Strings/3. 48 String Functions.mp429.42MB
31. Pointers/1. 49 Pointers Introductioni.mp49.84MB
31. Pointers/2. 50 Pointers Example.mp417.89MB
31. Pointers/3. 51 Pointers and Arrays.mp423.87MB
31. Pointers/4. 52 Pointers and Arrays Example.mp421.24MB
31. Pointers/5. 53 Pointers and Funtions.mp433.12MB
32. Reference or Alias/1. 54 References in C++.mp410.57MB
32. Reference or Alias/2. 55 Reference Example.mp48.25MB
33. Structures in C++/1. 56 Data Structures Introduction.mp431.65MB
33. Structures in C++/2. 57 Structures Example.mp420.93MB
33. Structures in C++/3. 58 Pointers in Structures.mp411.27MB
33. Structures in C++/4. 59 Structures and Funtions.mp419.42MB
33. Structures in C++/5. 60 Unions.mp415.04MB
33. Structures in C++/6. 61 Enemurated Data Types.mp417.76MB
34. Object Oriented Programming/1. 62 OOPs Introduction.mp415.69MB
34. Object Oriented Programming/2. 63 class and objects.mp410.51MB
34. Object Oriented Programming/3. 64 class and object Example.mp417.23MB
34. Object Oriented Programming/4. 65 class and object example.mp428.7MB
35. Inheritance/1. 66 Inheritance.mp425.44MB
35. Inheritance/2. 67 Multiple inheritance and visibility.mp426.11MB
35. Inheritance/3. 68 Inheriatance example.mp425.57MB
35. Inheritance/4. 69 Inheritance example2.mp412.41MB
35. Inheritance/5. 70 Inheritance visibility section example.mp420.55MB
35. Inheritance/6. 71 Using protected members.mp48.32MB
35. Inheritance/7. 72 Protected Inheritance.mp429.74MB
35. Inheritance/8. 73 Multiple Inheritance example.mp417.6MB
36. Constructor and Destructor/1. 74 Constructor and Destructor Introduction.mp48.43MB
36. Constructor and Destructor/2. 75 Default Constructor.mp411.56MB
36. Constructor and Destructor/3. 76 Parameterized Constructor.mp411.02MB
36. Constructor and Destructor/4. 77 Copy Constructor.mp47.3MB
36. Constructor and Destructor/5. 78 Destructor.mp47.91MB
37. Polymorphism/1. 79 Polymorphism Introduction.mp44.63MB
37. Polymorphism/10. 88 using namespace.mp48.32MB
37. Polymorphism/11. 89 conclusion.mp46.85MB
37. Polymorphism/2. 80 Function Overriding.mp416.96MB
37. Polymorphism/3. 81 Function overloading pointers.mp43.86MB
37. Polymorphism/4. 82 Virtual Funtion.mp414.1MB
37. Polymorphism/5. 83 Abstract class and pure virtual function.mp428.36MB
37. Polymorphism/6. 84 Virtual Destructor.mp424.92MB
37. Polymorphism/7. 85 Function Overloading.mp413.11MB
37. Polymorphism/8. 86 Operator overloading.mp47.3MB
37. Polymorphism/9. 87 namespace.mp49.08MB
38. C Programming Introduction/1. 1 Introduction.mp412.52MB
38. C Programming Introduction/10. 8 adding two numbers.mp444.22MB
38. C Programming Introduction/11. 9 add two floats.mp46.38MB
38. C Programming Introduction/12. 10 Display name.mp411.58MB
38. C Programming Introduction/13. 11 swap two numbers.mp438.33MB
38. C Programming Introduction/14. 12 more examples.mp439.26MB
38. C Programming Introduction/15. 13 conditions and loops if-else statements.mp423.98MB
38. C Programming Introduction/16. 14 for and while loops.mp429.99MB
38. C Programming Introduction/17. 15 largest number.mp412.31MB
38. C Programming Introduction/18. 16 vowel or consonant.mp48.14MB
38. C Programming Introduction/19. 17 multiplication table.mp411.01MB
38. C Programming Introduction/2. 2 Install compiler Codeblocks.mp424.23MB
38. C Programming Introduction/20. 18 printing star traingle.mp429.33MB
38. C Programming Introduction/21. 19 functions introduction.mp422.6MB
38. C Programming Introduction/22. 20 function add().mp410.11MB
38. C Programming Introduction/23. 21 function example add() sub().mp45.97MB
38. C Programming Introduction/24. 22 function example add() sub()2.mp412.21MB
38. C Programming Introduction/25. 23 arrays.mp415.79MB
38. C Programming Introduction/26. 24 arrays example.mp410.27MB
38. C Programming Introduction/27. 25 arrays adding marks.mp410.97MB
38. C Programming Introduction/28. 26 multi-dimensional arrays.mp417.97MB
38. C Programming Introduction/29. 27 multi-dimensional arrays example1.mp415.93MB
38. C Programming Introduction/3. 3 first program.mp433.27MB
38. C Programming Introduction/30. 28 three dimensional arrays example.mp46.31MB
38. C Programming Introduction/31. 29 adding two arrays.mp410.2MB
38. C Programming Introduction/32. 30 changing the output result look.mp410.93MB
38. C Programming Introduction/33. 31 string introduction.mp413.43MB
38. C Programming Introduction/34. 32 gets() puts strings.mp414.98MB
38. C Programming Introduction/35. 33 calling function using string type.mp44.11MB
38. C Programming Introduction/36. 34 string functions introduction.mp410.35MB
38. C Programming Introduction/37. 35 string function example.mp48.75MB
38. C Programming Introduction/38. 36 Pointers introduction.mp420.74MB
38. C Programming Introduction/39. 37 pointers example.mp411.05MB
38. C Programming Introduction/40. 38 pointer example 2.mp46.86MB
38. C Programming Introduction/41. 39 pointers and arrays.mp429.85MB
38. C Programming Introduction/42. 40 pointers and arrays example.mp46.85MB
38. C Programming Introduction/43. 41 pointers and functions.mp46.25MB
38. C Programming Introduction/44. 42 Dynamic memory allocation.mp416.87MB
38. C Programming Introduction/45. 43 Example of Dynamic memory allocation.mp412.98MB
38. C Programming Introduction/46. 44 structures in c.mp414.23MB
38. C Programming Introduction/47. 45 structures using pointers.mp44.77MB
38. C Programming Introduction/48. 46 structures and functions.mp47.01MB
38. C Programming Introduction/49. 47 unions.mp43.5MB
38. C Programming Introduction/5. 4 comment.mp48.46MB
38. C Programming Introduction/50. 48 C Enumeration.mp418.09MB
38. C Programming Introduction/51. 49 preprocessor and macros.mp417.13MB
38. C Programming Introduction/7. 5 Keywords and Identifiers.mp46.42MB
38. C Programming Introduction/8. 6 C Tokens.mp413.23MB
38. C Programming Introduction/9. 7 Data types.mp46.04MB
39. Python GUI using tkinter module/1. Before GUI.mp48.75MB
39. Python GUI using tkinter module/2. Creating window.mp48.44MB
39. Python GUI using tkinter module/3. Changing size and position.mp412.04MB
39. Python GUI using tkinter module/4. Adding Labels to window.mp410.65MB
39. Python GUI using tkinter module/5. grid and place to change label position.mp417.67MB
4. Creating Executable File/1. Creating file and .exe file.mp422.51MB
40. Buttons and Text box/1. Adding buttons.mp49.83MB
40. Buttons and Text box/2. Adding methods to buttons.mp413.05MB
40. Buttons and Text box/3. Creating text box.mp49.1MB
40. Buttons and Text box/4. two windows.mp424.05MB
41. Menu bar/1. Adding menubar.mp421.42MB
41. Menu bar/2. Adding menulist.mp422.29MB
41. Menu bar/3. Adding functionality to menulist.mp414.5MB
41. Menu bar/4. Changing font.mp414.98MB
42. Message box and Extras/1. message box.mp428.32MB
42. Message box and Extras/2. Creating a counter.mp414.73MB
42. Message box and Extras/3. colorchooser.mp412.34MB
42. Message box and Extras/4. askopenfile.mp410.95MB
42. Message box and Extras/5. content inside file.mp412.28MB
43. Radio Buttons/1. radio buttons intro.mp417.16MB
43. Radio Buttons/2. Radiobutton example.mp421.13MB
43. Radio Buttons/3. Radio button interaction.mp429.19MB
43. Radio Buttons/4. Radio button example.mp414.7MB
43. Radio Buttons/5. Indicatoron radiobutton.mp48.52MB
44. Check Buttons/1. Check button.mp49.76MB
44. Check Buttons/2. Check button values.mp422.45MB
44. Check Buttons/3. checkbutton on menu list.mp419.48MB
45. Text Box using Entry Class/1. Entry class.mp412.81MB
45. Text Box using Entry Class/2. insert and delete in Entry.mp421.42MB
45. Text Box using Entry Class/3. litres to gallons example.mp422.83MB
45. Text Box using Entry Class/4. Litres gallons modifications.mp412.28MB
5. Decision making in Python/1. If statement.mp410.98MB
5. Decision making in Python/2. If-else statements.mp49.15MB
5. Decision making in Python/3. Program to print odd or even.mp414.88MB
5. Decision making in Python/4. Program to find vowel.mp419.03MB
5. Decision making in Python/5. Find the greatest number.mp411.56MB
6. Loops/1. For Loops.mp49.86MB
6. Loops/2. While Loops.mp49.69MB
6. Loops/3. Program to print factorial of number.mp49.68MB
6. Loops/4. Program for multiplication table.mp43.7MB
6. Loops/5. multi multiplication table.mp49.28MB
6. Loops/6. Exponential Program.mp47.98MB
6. Loops/7. Break statement.mp45.76MB
6. Loops/8. continue statement.mp43.88MB
6. Loops/9. Example password.mp49.52MB
7. Functions and Modules/1. Functions and Modules.mp445.21MB
7. Functions and Modules/2. User defined functions.mp410.06MB
7. Functions and Modules/3. Functions with arguements.mp47.79MB
7. Functions and Modules/4. Creating modules.mp416.23MB
8. Strings in python/1. Strings.mp411.41MB
8. Strings in python/2. Strings2.mp47.85MB
9. List, Tuple and Dictionary/1. List introduction.mp414.22MB
9. List, Tuple and Dictionary/2. List methods.mp419.01MB
9. List, Tuple and Dictionary/3. Tuples.mp48.3MB
9. List, Tuple and Dictionary/4. Dictionaries.mp417.54MB