Linkedin - Become a MERN Stack JavaScript Developer
3.93 GB
2024-1-4 03:21
2025-3-24 11:52
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a514cf6b4013d041cc9595614a8a7ef2782e1aae&dn=Linkedin - Become a MERN Stack JavaScript Developer
Linkedin - Become a MERN Stack JavaScript Developer.torrent
01.React.js Essential Training/01-Introduction/01-Learn the Nodejs fundamentals.mp44.8MB
01.React.js Essential Training/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp4926.96KB
01.React.js Essential Training/02-What Is Nodejs/01-Nodejs history.mp43.45MB
01.React.js Essential Training/02-What Is Nodejs/02-How Nodejs works.mp411.6MB
01.React.js Essential Training/03-Set Up Your Environnment/01-Using VS Code.mp44.32MB
01.React.js Essential Training/03-Set Up Your Environnment/02-Install Nodejs.mp43.79MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/01-The global object.mp44.78MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/02-The require function.mp45.45MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/03-Argument variables with processargv.mp412.76MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/04-Standard output.mp47.38MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/05-Standard input.mp414.2MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/06-Creating a delay with setTimeout.mp43.66MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/07-Incorporate setInterval.mp47.04MB
01.React.js Essential Training/04-Node Globals/08-Report progress with setInterval.mp47.69MB
01.React.js Essential Training/05-Node Modules/01-Core modules.mp49.75MB
01.React.js Essential Training/05-Node Modules/02-Collect information with readline.mp44.03MB
01.React.js Essential Training/05-Node Modules/03-Use readline functions.mp416.8MB
01.React.js Essential Training/05-Node Modules/04-Export custom modules.mp47.9MB
01.React.js Essential Training/05-Node Modules/05-Create a module.mp413.73MB
01.React.js Essential Training/05-Node Modules/06-Custom events with the EventEmitter.mp410.05MB
01.React.js Essential Training/05-Node Modules/07-Improve a module with EventEmitter.mp413.27MB
01.React.js Essential Training/06-File System Basics/01-List directory files.mp48.45MB
01.React.js Essential Training/06-File System Basics/02-Read files.mp410.63MB
01.React.js Essential Training/06-File System Basics/03-Write and append files.mp44.82MB
01.React.js Essential Training/06-File System Basics/04-Directory creation.mp44.37MB
01.React.js Essential Training/06-File System Basics/05-Append files.mp48.81MB
01.React.js Essential Training/06-File System Basics/06-Rename and remove files.mp45.74MB
01.React.js Essential Training/06-File System Basics/07-Rename and remove directories.mp45.73MB
01.React.js Essential Training/07-Files and Streams/01-Readable file streams.mp411.21MB
01.React.js Essential Training/07-Files and Streams/02-Writable file streams.mp410.71MB
01.React.js Essential Training/07-Files and Streams/03-Create child process with exec.mp47.5MB
01.React.js Essential Training/07-Files and Streams/04-Create child process with spawn.mp49.77MB
01.React.js Essential Training/08-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp42.65MB
02.React - Design Patterns/01-Introduction/01-Take your React skills to the next level.mp43.15MB
02.React - Design Patterns/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp42.11MB
02.React - Design Patterns/01-Introduction/03-What are design patterns.mp45.19MB
02.React - Design Patterns/02-Layout Components/01-What are layout components.mp44.76MB
02.React - Design Patterns/02-Layout Components/02-Split-screen components.mp416.61MB
02.React - Design Patterns/02-Layout Components/03-Split-screen component improvements.mp414.24MB
02.React - Design Patterns/02-Layout Components/04-Lists and list items.mp426.26MB
02.React - Design Patterns/02-Layout Components/05-Creating different list types.mp415.54MB
02.React - Design Patterns/02-Layout Components/06-Modal components.mp418.89MB
02.React - Design Patterns/03-Container Components/01-What are container components.mp44.45MB
02.React - Design Patterns/03-Container Components/02-Server instructions.mp48.63MB
02.React - Design Patterns/03-Container Components/03-CurrentUserLoader component.mp419.49MB
02.React - Design Patterns/03-Container Components/04-UserLoader component.mp415.45MB
02.React - Design Patterns/03-Container Components/05-ResourceLoader component.mp416.23MB
02.React - Design Patterns/03-Container Components/06-DataSource component.mp414.12MB
02.React - Design Patterns/03-Container Components/07-Loading data from localStorage.mp46.61MB
02.React - Design Patterns/04-Controlled and Uncontrolled Components/01-Controlled vs uncontrolled components.mp46.39MB
02.React - Design Patterns/04-Controlled and Uncontrolled Components/02-Uncontrolled forms.mp414.3MB
02.React - Design Patterns/04-Controlled and Uncontrolled Components/03-Controlled forms.mp421.75MB
02.React - Design Patterns/04-Controlled and Uncontrolled Components/04-Controlled modals.mp421.37MB
02.React - Design Patterns/04-Controlled and Uncontrolled Components/05-Uncontrolled onboarding flows.mp421.97MB
02.React - Design Patterns/04-Controlled and Uncontrolled Components/06-Collecting onboarding data.mp413.07MB
02.React - Design Patterns/04-Controlled and Uncontrolled Components/07-Controlled onboarding flows.mp420.77MB
02.React - Design Patterns/05-Higher-Order Components/01-What are higher-order components.mp44.64MB
02.React - Design Patterns/05-Higher-Order Components/02-Printing props with HOCs.mp412.92MB
02.React - Design Patterns/05-Higher-Order Components/03-Loading data with HOCs.mp410.83MB
02.React - Design Patterns/05-Higher-Order Components/04-Modifying data with HOCs.mp420.98MB
02.React - Design Patterns/05-Higher-Order Components/05-Creating forms with HOCs.mp419.15MB
02.React - Design Patterns/05-Higher-Order Components/06-Higher-order component improvements.mp424.49MB
02.React - Design Patterns/06-Custom Hooks Patterns/01-What are custom Hooks.mp44.6MB
02.React - Design Patterns/06-Custom Hooks Patterns/02-useCurrentUser Hook.mp411.97MB
02.React - Design Patterns/06-Custom Hooks Patterns/03-useUser Hook.mp47.59MB
02.React - Design Patterns/06-Custom Hooks Patterns/04-useResource Hook.mp411.82MB
02.React - Design Patterns/06-Custom Hooks Patterns/05-useDataSource Hook.mp417.33MB
02.React - Design Patterns/07-Functional Programming and React/01-What is functional programming.mp47.23MB
02.React - Design Patterns/07-Functional Programming and React/02-Recursive components.mp413.84MB
02.React - Design Patterns/07-Functional Programming and React/03-Component composition.mp411.56MB
02.React - Design Patterns/07-Functional Programming and React/04-Partially applied components.mp49.37MB
02.React - Design Patterns/08-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp43.98MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/01-Introduction/01-Building modern user interfaces with React.mp42.45MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/01-Introduction/02-What you should know before watching this course.mp4951.92KB
03.Node.js Essential Training/02-What Is React/01-What is React.mp42.29MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/02-What Is React/02-Setting up Chrome tools for React.mp43.93MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/02-What Is React/03-Setting up Firefox developer tools for React.mp43.88MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/03-Intro to React Elements/01-Installing Create React App.mp47.53MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/03-Intro to React Elements/02-Generating a project.mp47.09MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/03-Intro to React Elements/03-Creating React elements.mp410.13MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/03-Intro to React Elements/04-Refactoring elements using JSX.mp47.67MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/04-React Components/01-Creating a React component.mp49.62MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/04-React Components/02-Adding component properties.mp410.32MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/04-React Components/03-Working with lists.mp49.07MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/04-React Components/04-Adding keys to list items.mp49.7MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/04-React Components/05-Displaying images with React.mp410.62MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/04-React Components/06-Using fragments.mp49.98MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/05-React State in the Component Tree/01-Conditional rendering.mp412.9MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/05-React State in the Component Tree/02-Destructuring arrays and objects.mp49.4MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/05-React State in the Component Tree/03-Understanding the useState Hook.mp411.48MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/05-React State in the Component Tree/04-Working with useEffect.mp413.23MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/05-React State in the Component Tree/05-Incorporating useReducer.mp410.23MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/06-Asynchronous React/01-Fetching data with Hooks.mp49.69MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/06-Asynchronous React/02-Displaying data from an API.mp46.62MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/06-Asynchronous React/03-Handling loading states.mp412.79MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/07-React Testing/01-Using Create React App as a testing platform.mp45.54MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/07-React Testing/02-Testing small functions with Jest.mp46.64MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/07-React Testing/03-Introducing React testing library.mp49.88MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/07-React Testing/04-Testing Hooks with React testing library.mp415.24MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/08-React Router/01-Installing React Router 6.mp46.8MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/08-React Router/02-Configuring the router.mp410.95MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/08-React Router/03-Incorporating the link component.mp410.98MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/08-React Router/04-Nesting links with React Router 6.mp49.25MB
03.Node.js Essential Training/09-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp42.75MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/01-Introduction/01-Learning npm.mp43.45MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp4673.83KB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/02-Introduction and Installation/01-What are packages and npm.mp43.77MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/02-Introduction and Installation/02-Installing Nodenpm on Mac.mp44.06MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/02-Introduction and Installation/03-Installing Nodenpm on Windows.mp43.33MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/02-Introduction and Installation/04-Installing Nodenpm on Linux.mp44.85MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/03-Getting Started with npm/01-Initializing a packagejson file.mp47.02MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/03-Getting Started with npm/02-Adding node packages.mp47.08MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/03-Getting Started with npm/03-Managing global directory.mp410.64MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/03-Getting Started with npm/04-Updating a package.mp45.44MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/03-Getting Started with npm/05-Removing a package.mp43.06MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/03-Getting Started with npm/06-Semantic versioning.mp43.03MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/03-Getting Started with npm/07-Introduction to package-lockjson.mp44.47MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/04-Advanced Subjects/01-Working with a npm cache.mp43.52MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/04-Advanced Subjects/02-Run an npm audit.mp48.49MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/04-Advanced Subjects/03-Scripting in packagejson.mp49.88MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/04-Advanced Subjects/04-Introduction to npx.mp49.95MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/04-Advanced Subjects/05-Other alternatives to npm.mp44.63MB
04.Learning npm the Node Package Manager/05-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp41.54MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/01-Introduction/01-Dynamic websites with Node and Express.mp44.93MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp41.56MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/01-Introduction/03-Using the exercise files and GitHub.mp46.3MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/01-Introduction/04-Setting up your development environment.mp43.31MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/02-Building a Basic Express Application/01-Create an Express server in three minutes.mp48.27MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/02-Building a Basic Express Application/02-Building from a HTML page or template.mp417.48MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/02-Building a Basic Express Application/03-Serving HTML pages and static content.mp412.43MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/02-Building a Basic Express Application/04-Setting up ESLint and Prettier.mp414.35MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/02-Building a Basic Express Application/05-Setting up nodemon.mp44.89MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/03-Template Engines/01-Template engines and Express.mp43.76MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/03-Template Engines/02-Getting to know the EJS template engine.mp47.79MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/03-Template Engines/03-Rendering the index page with EJS.mp48.13MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/04-Express Routes and Middleware/01-Express middleware and routes.mp49.4MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/04-Express Routes and Middleware/02-Modular routes with expressRouter.mp49.89MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/04-Express Routes and Middleware/03-Creating routes for all subpages.mp415.31MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/04-Express Routes and Middleware/04-Add business logic.mp421.16MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/04-Express Routes and Middleware/05-Add a session management middleware.mp418.66MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/01-Create a site-wide layout.mp425.32MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/02-Using partials with EJS.mp416.39MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/03-Template variables in more detail.mp416.55MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/04-Looping through lists in templates.mp435.62MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/05-Creating a list page.mp424.4MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/06-Using parameter routes.mp425.2MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/07-Challenge Partials and lists.mp49.34MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/05-Professional Templating with Express/08-Solution Partials and lists.mp436.51MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/06-Handling Errors Gracefully/01-How to handle errors in express.mp422.78MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/06-Handling Errors Gracefully/02-Creating an error page.mp420.29MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/06-Handling Errors Gracefully/03-Populating the error page.mp45.41MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/07-Handling Form Data/01-Creating a form template.mp418.08MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/07-Handling Form Data/02-Handling POST requests.mp414.58MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/07-Handling Form Data/03-Validating and sanitizing user input.mp427.18MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/07-Handling Form Data/04-Storing data.mp413.54MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/08-Creating APIs with Express/01-A little intro to REST APIs.mp45.77MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/08-Creating APIs with Express/02-Creating and testing an API endpoint.mp422.5MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/08-Creating APIs with Express/03-Add client side JavaScript.mp410.04MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/08-Creating APIs with Express/04-Updating the page from REST.mp423.9MB
05.Building a Website with Node.js and Express.js/09-Conclusion/01-Build on what youve learned.mp41.81MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/01-Introduction/01-Modern database and application design with MongoDB.mp417.09MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/02-Getting Started/01-Why MongoDB.mp48.43MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/02-Getting Started/02-Install MongoDB on Windows and import data.mp411.09MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/02-Getting Started/03-Install MongoDB on macOS and import data.mp413.5MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/03-Documents and Collections/01-Create a document.mp48.01MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/03-Documents and Collections/02-Using find to query documents.mp47.57MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/03-Documents and Collections/03-What can we store in a document.mp49.15MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/03-Documents and Collections/04-Collections.mp45.55MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/03-Documents and Collections/05-Challenge Create a recipe document.mp41.45MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/03-Documents and Collections/06-Solution How to create a recipe document.mp44.82MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/04-Querying/01-Sort limit and skip.mp46.73MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/04-Querying/02-Working with operators and arrays.mp49.96MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/04-Querying/03-Updating documents.mp411.93MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/04-Querying/04-Updating arrays.mp42.76MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/04-Querying/05-Deleting documents.mp42.32MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/04-Querying/06-Challenge Write a query.mp42.42MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/04-Querying/07-Solution How to write a query.mp48.79MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/05-Data and Schema Modeling/01-How we need to think differently.mp49.12MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/05-Data and Schema Modeling/02-Basic indexes.mp411.29MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/05-Data and Schema Modeling/03-How to use GridFS to store files.mp417.61MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/05-Data and Schema Modeling/04-Challenge Avoiding joins.mp44.41MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/05-Data and Schema Modeling/05-Solution Avoiding joins.mp42.67MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/06-Coding with MongoDB/01-Python.mp418.82MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/06-Coding with MongoDB/02-Nodejs.mp420.28MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/06-Coding with MongoDB/03-PHP.mp418.2MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/07-Server Administration/01-MongoDB config file.mp45.98MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/07-Server Administration/02-Replication.mp422.67MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/07-Server Administration/03-Sharding.mp48.09MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/07-Server Administration/04-Authentication and authorization.mp410.46MB
06.Learning MongoDB (2020)/07-Server Administration/05-Backups.mp48.97MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/01-Introduction/01-Welcome.mp44.28MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp41.37MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/01-Introduction/03-Using the exercise files.mp43.17MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/02-Setting Up Express/01-Introduction to Express.mp47.79MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/02-Setting Up Express/02-Install Nodenpm.mp43.87MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/02-Setting Up Express/03-Express application generator.mp412.7MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/03-Getting Started/01-Initial Node server setup with Express.mp417.07MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/03-Getting Started/02-Add data to the server.mp414.6MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/03-Getting Started/03-Create a basic route.mp411.74MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/03-Getting Started/04-Test endpoints with Postman.mp410.98MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/03-Getting Started/05-Create a basic data endpoint.mp410.41MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/03-Getting Started/06-Add a static route for file serving.mp414.3MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/04-Routing with Express/01-Routing Parameters.mp421.84MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/04-Routing with Express/02-Routing Route handlers.mp410.39MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/04-Routing with Express/03-Routing Common methods.mp415.51MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/04-Routing with Express/04-Routing Chaining.mp414.64MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/05-Middleware with Express/01-Basic middleware with Express.mp414.99MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/05-Middleware with Express/02-Built-in middleware.mp421.09MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/05-Middleware with Express/03-Error-handling middleware.mp413.4MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/05-Middleware with Express/04-Third-party middleware.mp415.51MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/06-Advanced Topics in Express/01-Debugging in Express.mp415.55MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/06-Advanced Topics in Express/02-Using Express behind a proxy.mp410.5MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/06-Advanced Topics in Express/03-Security overview for Express.mp42.62MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/06-Advanced Topics in Express/04-Real-time web with Express.mp43.89MB
07.Express Essential Training (2018)/07-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp41.11MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/01-Introduction/01-Building a REST API with Node and Express.mp44.35MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp41013.84KB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/02-Setting Up/01-Brief introduction of the libraries.mp42.93MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/02-Setting Up/02-Introduction to your project.mp41.35MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/02-Setting Up/03-Introduction to Postman.mp45.21MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/02-Setting Up/04-Install Node and Express.mp48.49MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/02-Setting Up/05-Install Mongo.mp413.7MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/02-Setting Up/06-Basic Babel ES6 setup.mp45.42MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/03-Initial Server Build/01-RESTful APIs refresher.mp42.1MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/03-Initial Server Build/02-Initial server setup.mp413.65MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/03-Initial Server Build/03-Initial server files and folders.mp44.38MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/03-Initial Server Build/04-Basic routing endpoints.mp411.04MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/03-Initial Server Build/05-Basics of middleware and uses.mp49.8MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/01-MongoDB basics refresher.mp47.37MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/02-Database setup.mp48.79MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/03-Schema setup.mp413.28MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/04-Create POST endpoint.mp412.97MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/05-Create all items GET endpoint.mp48.85MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/06-Create specific ID GET endpoint.mp412.91MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/07-Create PUT endpoint.mp412.87MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/04-CRUD Operations/08-Create DELETE endpoint.mp415.55MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/05-Other API Options/01-Static files serving.mp49.04MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/05-Other API Options/02-Other potential libraries for API.mp43.59MB
08.Building RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express/06-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp41.45MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/01-Introduction/01-Course overview.mp42.09MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/01-Introduction/02-What this course covers.mp43.83MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/02-Getting Started/01-Modern JavaScript.mp413.56MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/02-Getting Started/02-Setting up project dependencies.mp416.6MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/02-Getting Started/03-Project structure and configurations.mp410.32MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/03-Node as a Web Server/01-Node modules.mp49.08MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/03-Node as a Web Server/02-The HTTPHTTPS modules.mp46.33MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/03-Node as a Web Server/03-Creating an Express server.mp410.37MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/03-Node as a Web Server/04-Using the EJS template language.mp410.63MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/04-React Basics/01-React elements and JSX.mp416.18MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/04-React Basics/02-React components.mp49.19MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/04-React Basics/03-Component composability.mp47.13MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/04-React Basics/04-Components with modules.mp47.63MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/04-React Basics/05-Component state.mp49.02MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/04-React Basics/06-Component life cycle.mp46.79MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/05-Working with Data/01-Loading the test data.mp44.23MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/05-Working with Data/02-Displaying a list of objects.mp47.87MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/05-Working with Data/03-Using Sass with Node.mp410.61MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/05-Working with Data/04-Reading from the state.mp48.65MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/05-Working with Data/05-Fetching data from a remote API.mp49.23MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/06-Rendering on the Server/01-Fetching data from the server side.mp48.98MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/06-Rendering on the Server/02-Server rendering with ReactDOMServer.mp415.16MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/06-Rendering on the Server/03-Fix the checksum problem.mp414.97MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/01-Handling the contest click event.mp410.27MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/02-Navigating to a contest.mp410.53MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/03-Looking up the contest on route change.mp416.9MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/04-Fetching contest information from the API.mp412.22MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/05-A bit of refactoring.mp410.29MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/06-Server-side routing for a contest.mp415.26MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/07-Navigating to a list of contests.mp410.26MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/07-Routing on Client and Server/08-Handling the browsers back button.mp416.86MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/01-Reading data from MongoDB.mp422.3MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/02-API to fetch a list of names.mp47.34MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/03-Displaying the list of names.mp424MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/04-Example script to update all data.mp411.19MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/05-Converting the application to use _id.mp419.34MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/06-Creating an API to propose a name.mp422.23MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/07-Wiring the proposed new name form.mp421.92MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/08-Challenges and QA.mp44.14MB
09.Learning Full-Stack JavaScript Development - MongoDB, Node, and React/08-Working with MongoDB/09-Alternatives MERN and Electrode.mp426.1MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/01-Introduction/01-Securing Node RESTful APIs.mp45.15MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp41.12MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/02-Setting Up/01-Overview of the security threats.mp42.66MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/02-Setting Up/02-Introduction to OWASP.mp410.3MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/02-Setting Up/03-Introduction to JWT.mp44.09MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/02-Setting Up/04-Introduction to Postman.mp44.26MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/03-Setting Up the Node API/01-Base project template intro.mp411.71MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/03-Setting Up the Node API/02-Finalize the setup for the project.mp411.32MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/03-Setting Up the Node API/03-Create the user model.mp45.45MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/03-Setting Up the Node API/04-Add bcrypt password hashing.mp46.6MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/04-Securing the Node API/01-Add the handlers for loginRequired.mp47MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/04-Securing the Node API/02-Add the handlers for registration.mp410.84MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/04-Securing the Node API/03-Add the handlers for login.mp414.79MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/04-Securing the Node API/04-Finalize secured endpoints.mp411.57MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/04-Securing the Node API/05-Add JWT setup into index.mp413.83MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/04-Securing the Node API/06-Test the API with Postman.mp48.9MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/05-Other Options/01-Alternatives for securing APIs.mp44.32MB
10.Node.js - Securing RESTful APIs/06-Conclusion/01-Explore and build your skills.mp41.36MB
11.Node.js - Security/01-Introduction/01-Securing your Nodejs projects.mp46.93MB
11.Node.js - Security/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp41.42MB
11.Node.js - Security/02-Security Overview/01-Introduction to OWASP and other sources.mp413.72MB
11.Node.js - Security/02-Security Overview/02-OWASP top 10 in Nodejs.mp444.49MB
11.Node.js - Security/02-Security Overview/03-Overview of cross-site scripting.mp45.09MB
11.Node.js - Security/02-Security Overview/04-Overview of denial of service.mp41.84MB
11.Node.js - Security/02-Security Overview/05-Overview of server-side injection.mp41.95MB
11.Node.js - Security/03-Best Practices Packages/01-Hands-on base template overview.mp410.63MB
11.Node.js - Security/03-Best Practices Packages/02-Maintain package dependencies.mp410.66MB
11.Node.js - Security/03-Best Practices Packages/03-Add two-factor and read-only tokens with npm.mp45.42MB
11.Node.js - Security/04-Best Practices Data/01-Data handling with type and validation.mp411.7MB
11.Node.js - Security/04-Best Practices Data/02-Use prepared statements for SQLNoSQL.mp43.08MB
11.Node.js - Security/04-Best Practices Data/03-Set proper HTTP headers with Helmet.mp49.41MB
11.Node.js - Security/04-Best Practices Data/04-Encrypt user data and session management.mp45.49MB
11.Node.js - Security/05-Best Practices Server Level/01-Use secure HTTPS protocol.mp42.23MB
11.Node.js - Security/05-Best Practices Server Level/02-Rate limiting against DoS attacks.mp410.59MB
11.Node.js - Security/05-Best Practices Server Level/03-Use csurf to prevent CSRF attacks.mp45.51MB
11.Node.js - Security/05-Best Practices Server Level/04-Use cookie attributes.mp48.96MB
11.Node.js - Security/06-Tools for Testing/01-Introduction to OWASP dependency check.mp412.44MB
11.Node.js - Security/06-Tools for Testing/02-Find vulnerabilities with Snyk.mp49.4MB
11.Node.js - Security/06-Tools for Testing/03-Penetration testing with Burp.mp44MB
11.Node.js - Security/07-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp41.38MB
12.React - Securing Applications/01-Introduction/01-Securing React applications.mp45.06MB
12.React - Securing Applications/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp43.58MB
12.React - Securing Applications/02-Setting Up/01-Initial setup.mp49.45MB
12.React - Securing Applications/02-Setting Up/02-Set up flow.mp46.64MB
12.React - Securing Applications/02-Setting Up/03-Set up ESLint.mp47.16MB
12.React - Securing Applications/03-Overview of Security Threats/01-Introduction to OWASP.mp410.88MB
12.React - Securing Applications/03-Overview of Security Threats/02-Cross-site scripting XSS attacks.mp413MB
12.React - Securing Applications/03-Overview of Security Threats/03-Cross-site request forgery CSRF.mp47.2MB
12.React - Securing Applications/03-Overview of Security Threats/04-Introduction to JSON Web Token JWT and what it solves.mp44.1MB
12.React - Securing Applications/04-Authentication with Auth0/01-Initial setup of your server.mp413.61MB
12.React - Securing Applications/04-Authentication with Auth0/02-Create your API endpoints.mp414.34MB
12.React - Securing Applications/04-Authentication with Auth0/03-Initial Auth0 setup.mp47.17MB
12.React - Securing Applications/04-Authentication with Auth0/04-Adding the files and code from Auth0.mp47.57MB
12.React - Securing Applications/04-Authentication with Auth0/05-Update index for Auth0 integration.mp411.61MB
12.React - Securing Applications/04-Authentication with Auth0/06-Add connections to server.mp414.82MB
12.React - Securing Applications/04-Authentication with Auth0/07-Finalize menu with login.mp415.2MB
12.React - Securing Applications/05-Other React Considerations/01-React considerations for security.mp45.1MB
12.React - Securing Applications/05-Other React Considerations/02-Strict mode.mp45.86MB
12.React - Securing Applications/06-Conclusion/01-Next steps.mp46.78MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/01-Introduction/01-Cleaning your codebase.mp43.91MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/01-Introduction/02-What you should know.mp44.89MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/01-Introduction/03-Preparing for Nodejs development.mp45.57MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/01-Introduction/04-Exercise files.mp44.17MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/01-Introduction/05-Demo setup and tour.mp414.25MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/01-What is code quality.mp420.59MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/02-Coding conventions and standards.mp416.56MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/03-Creating and enforcing coding standards.mp419.83MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/04-Unit integration and functional testing.mp426.25MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/05-Testing frameworks.mp414.57MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/06-TDD and BDD test specifications.mp414.73MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/07-Assertions for correctness.mp412.04MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/08-Challenge Organize your tests.mp42.76MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/02-Testing and Code Quality Fundamentals/09-Solution Organize your tests.mp44.55MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/01-Standardizing with EditorConfig.mp422.2MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/02-Adding EditorConfig to a project and IDE.mp49.28MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/03-Comparing JavaScript linters.mp412.6MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/04-Installing ESLint.mp48.91MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/05-Configuring ESLint.mp415.45MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/06-Extending an ESLint shareable config.mp412.91MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/07-Linting your codebase.mp415.11MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/08-Fixing code in VSC with ESLint.mp416.64MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/03-Finding Errors with Linting/09-Challenge Create a shareable ESLint config.mp42.66MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/01-Survey of Nodejs testing frameworks.mp412.74MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/02-Install Jest in a Nodejs project.mp45.87MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/03-What and where to unit test.mp412.37MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/04-Writing your first Jest unit test.mp49.16MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/05-Running a test suite with Jest.mp415.06MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/06-Testing asynchronous callbacks with Jest.mp414.37MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/07-Writing callback test suites with Jest.mp415.68MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/08-Testing promises with Jest.mp418.73MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/09-Challenge Test asyncawait with Jest.mp42.36MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/04-Validate Correctness with Unit Testing/10-Solution Test asyncawait with Jest.mp47.98MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/01-Replacing code with test doubles.mp417.07MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/02-Mocking functions for test code.mp417.65MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/03-Writing your first Jest mock.mp414.52MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/04-Mock an entire module with Jest.mp419.22MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/05-Mocking module dependencies.mp415.98MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/06-Spying to observe interactions.mp418.84MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/07-Challenge Mock a successful reservation creation.mp42.58MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/05-Replacing and Inspecting Using Spies Stubs and Mocks/08-Solution Mock a successful reservation creation.mp417.23MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/01-Why code coverage matters.mp414.32MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/02-Measuring code coverage with Jest.mp416.02MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/03-Functional testing with Jest.mp49.76MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/04-Test doubles and Express apps.mp412.46MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/05-Form submissions with SuperTest.mp416.85MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/06-Fallacies of 100% test coverage.mp411.27MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/07-Coverage with continuous integration.mp410.96MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/06-Reporting on Your Entire Codebase/08-Challenge Isolate routes for faster tests.mp41.93MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/07-Conclusion/01-Testing and code quality goals.mp410.02MB
13.Node.js - Testing and Code Quality/07-Conclusion/02-Where to go from here.mp49.11MB