Writing novels and screenplays
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2010-3-3 02:42
2025-3-1 14:59
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Writing novels and screenplays.torrent
Huntley, Chris & Philips, Melanie - Screenplay writing.pdf4.24MB
Guide to Grammar and Writing.chm2.35MB
Ben Bova - The Craft of Writing Sci-Fi.pdf1.99MB
Bob Mayer - A guide to writing novels and getting published.pdf1.34MB
Frey, James N - How to write a damn good novel (vol 2).pdf1.25MB
Frey, James N - How to write a damn good novel (vol 1).pdf1.16MB
Card, Orson Scott - Characters & Viewpoint (Elements of Fiction Writing).pdf1014.43KB
Ansen Dibell - Plot (Elements of fiction writing).pdf961.49KB
Lisle, Holly - Writing fiction for love and money (Mugging the Muse).pdf941.96KB
Stein, Sol - Stein on Writing.pdf752.63KB
Card Scott, Orson - Characters and viewpoint.pdf750.15KB
Stephen King - On writing.pdf719.72KB
Adventure writing guide.pdf667.03KB
The writers dictionary.pdf660.85KB
Ben Bova - The craft of writing science fiction that sells.pdf649.53KB
Kress, Nancy - Beginnings, Middles & Ends.pdf626.08KB
Lucke, Margaret - Schaum's quick guide to writing great short stories.pdf624.98KB
Writing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day.chm565.06KB
Advanced hypnotic writing.pdf542.5KB
The Process of Writing.pdf523.43KB
Bradbury, Ray - Zen in the Art of Writing.pdf486.14KB
Koontz, Dean - Writing popular fiction.pdf465.74KB
Lukacs, georg - the theory of the novel .pdf441.78KB
Paul Schrader - Investigation (screenplay).pdf422.96KB
Jack M Bickham - 38 most common fiction writing mistakes.pdf396.7KB
Writers on writing.pdf360.41KB
Step by Step Research and Writing.pdf304.88KB
BBC news - Style guide.pdf275.95KB
How to format your screenplay like a pro.pdf263.79KB
Thompson, Neil - Write now!.pdf254.56KB
Card, Orson Scott - Uncle Orson's Writing Class.pdf245.44KB
Literary terms.pdf227.11KB
The art of writing.pdf202.77KB
Creative Writing Course.pdf169.99KB
Writing fiction - a beginner's guide.pdf155.06KB
Robert Louis Stevenson - The art of writing.pdf123.81KB
How to begin writing a screenplay.pdf116.35KB
Lovecraft, H.P - Notes on writing weird fiction.pdf105.34KB
Advice on novel writing.pdf95.18KB
Against a rhetoric f the unspeakable in holocaust writing.pdf95.13KB
Worldbuliding faq.pdf77.4KB
The secret art of hypnotic writing.pdf68.01KB
Rpg - writing good scenarios.pdf58.89KB
Writing SF - 10 the creation of imaginary worlds.pdf50.36KB
A quick guide to creating memorable non-player characters.pdf45.81KB
Writing SF - 05 you and your characters.pdf42.13KB
Feudal dictionary.pdf39.87KB
Writing SF - 07 turtles all the way down.pdf31.52KB
Screenplay formatting guidelines.pdf31.08KB
Writing SF - 08 learning to write comedy.pdf30.96KB
Willis, connie - learning to write comedy.pdf30.82KB
Writing SF - 09 good writing is not enough.pdf28.52KB
Writing SF - 06 seeing your way to better stories.pdf26.36KB
Writing SF - 01 on the writing of speculative ficiton.pdf22.12KB
Set up and snippet.pdf21.65KB
World Creation - Designing an RPG world.pdf21.47KB
Romantic comedy writing secrets.pdf20.84KB
Tips on writing and selling your script.pdf20.14KB
The seven laws of comedy writing.pdf19.8KB
How to write good.pdf17.92KB
Starting a scene.pdf17.7KB
Plotting and sequels.pdf17.34KB
How to write short stories.pdf17.07KB
Writing the effective villain.pdf16.76KB
Preparation exam for creative writing.pdf15.69KB
Writing like a mad grasshopper.pdf15.61KB
Color coding the plot.pdf14.49KB
Writing SF - 04 dialog.pdf14.43KB
Point of view.pdf14.1KB
Twenty rules for writing detective stories.pdf13.69KB
Show don't tell.pdf12.98KB
Writing a novel.pdf12.94KB
Wordprocesser tricks.pdf12.71KB
7 tips for writing a novel.pdf12.24KB
Capturing voices for characters.pdf11.56KB
Writing a sequel.pdf10.5KB
Writing comedy that sells.pdf10.39KB
Dealing with reader knowledge.pdf10.09KB
How to write science fiction and fantasy.pdf9.93KB
Plotting as organic.pdf9.8KB
Writing backstory.pdf9.77KB
Filling holes.pdf9.76KB
Organizing a novel.pdf9.51KB
Reusing old stuff.pdf8.91KB
Fixing as you go.pdf8.47KB
Query letter.pdf8.46KB
The myth of write what you know.pdf8.45KB
Keeping track of time.pdf8.2KB
Building tension.pdf8.14KB
Writing as a mean of discovery.pdf8.08KB
How many chapters.pdf8.05KB
Making good characters.pdf8KB
Naming characters.pdf7.88KB
Writing will create the mood.pdf7.51KB
You just write it down.pdf6.88KB