Books on Special and General Relativity
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Books on Special and General Relativity.torrent
The 11th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity - Parts A,B,C.pdf124.81MB
The 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity - Part C.pdf46.15MB
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity [Bergmann].pdf44.21MB
General Relativity [Wald].pdf32.93MB
Relativity - An Introduction to Spacetime Physics [Adams].pdf30.16MB
Lorentz & Poincare Invariance - 100 Years of Relativity.pdf27.65MB
Space, Time and Gravitation - An Outline of the General Relativity Theory [Eddington].pdf26.02MB
The Kerr Spacetime - Rotating Black Holes in General Relativity [Wiltshire-Visser-Scott].pdf23.18MB
Spacetime and Geometry - An Introduction to General Relativity [Carroll].pdf23.02MB
Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions with Applications to General Relativity [Grosser-Kunzinger-Oberguggenberge-Steinbauer].pdf22.17MB
A Broader View of Relativity - General Implications of Lorentz And Poincare Invariance.pdf21.46MB
Spacetime - Foundations of General Relativity and Differential Geometry.pdf20.65MB
Special Relativity and Quantum Theory - A Collection of Papers on the Poincare Group [Wigner-Noz-Kim].pdf20.64MB
Semi-Riemannian Geometry With Applications to Relativity [O'Neill].pdf18.98MB
Principles of Relativity Physics [Anderson].pdf18.96MB
Relativity, Groups, Particles - Special Relativity and Relativistic Symmetry in Field and Particle Physics [Sexl-Urbantke].pdf18.6MB
Directions in General Relativity, Volume 1 [Hu-Ryan-Vishveshwara].pdf17.62MB
Gravitation and Astrophysics - On the Occasion of the 90th Year of General Relativity.pdf17.53MB
General Relativity and the Einstein Equations [Choquet_Bruhat].pdf17.05MB
Relativity and Gravitation [Kuper-Peres].pdf16.32MB
The Principle of Relativity - A Collection of Original Memoirs [1923, Lorentz-Einstein-Minkowski-Weyl].pdf15.86MB
Theory of Relativity [Pauli].pdf15.33MB
Energy And Mass in Relativity Theory [Okun].pdf15.11MB
General Relativity and Matter - A Spinor Field Theory from Fermis to Light-Years [Sachs].pdf14.33MB
Introduction to Spacetime - A First Course on Relativity [Laurent].pdf14.28MB
Einstein's Relativity and Beyond - New Symmetry Approaches.pdf14.18MB
Quantum Mechanics from General Relativity - An Approximation for a Theory of Inertia [Sachs].pdf14.11MB
Exploring Black Holes - Introduction to General Relativity [Taylor-Wheeler].pdf14.05MB
Theory of Relativity Based on Physical Reality [Janossy].pdf13.16MB
Modern Canonical Quantum General Relativity [Thiemann].pdf12.89MB
The Galactic Black Hole - Lectures on General Relativity and Astrophysics.pdf12.75MB
Introduction to General Relativity [Walecka].pdf12.73MB
General Theory of Relativity [Kilmister].pdf12.33MB
General Relativity and John Archibald Wheeler [Ciufolini-Matzner].pdf12.2MB
Einstein's Wake - Relativity, Metaphor, and Modernist Literature.pdf12.19MB
Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity [Kraig-Smith].pdf12.13MB
Space-Time, Relativity and Cosmology [Wudka].pdf12.07MB
Quantum Physics, Relativity, and Complex Spacetime - Towards a New Synthesis [Kaiser].pdf11.31MB
The Wonderful World of Relativity [Steane].pdf11.11MB
Einstein's Opponent - The Public Controversy about the Theory of Relativity in the 1920s [Wazeck].pdf10.58MB
100 Years of Relativity - Space-time Structure Einstein And Beyond.pdf9.18MB
A Short Course in General Relativity [Foster-Nightingale].pdf9.09MB
A New Perspective on Relativity - An Odyssey in Non-Euclidean Geometries [Lavenda].pdf9.05MB
Cosmological Special Relativity - The Large-Scale Structure of Space, Time and Velocity.pdf8.64MB
Exact Space-Times in Einstein's General Relativity [Griffiths-Podolsky].pdf8.45MB
Einstein's Space-Time - An Introduction to Special and General Relativity [Ferraro].pdf8.42MB
Special and General Relativity - With Applications to White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars and Black Holes [Glendenning].pdf8.26MB
Mass and Motion in General Relativity [Blanchet-Spallicci-Whiting].pdf7.96MB
Tensors, Relativity, and Cosmology [Dalarsson].pdf7.96MB
God's Equation - Einstein, Relativity, and the Expanding Universe.pdf7.73MB
Tensors - The Mathematics of Relativity Theory and Continuum Mechanics.pdf7.24MB
Space and Time in Contemporary Physics - An Introduction to the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation.pdf7.22MB
A First Course in General Relativity [Schutz].pdf7.07MB
General Relativity and Gravitational Waves [Weber].pdf6.78MB
A Guide to Physics Problems Part 1 - Mechanics, Relativity and Electrodynamics [Cahn-Nadgorny].pdf6.75MB
The Einstein Theory of Relativity - A Trip to the Fourth Dimension [Lieber].pdf6.53MB
Theory of Relativity [Manning].pdf6.46MB
Relativity - Special, General, and Cosmological [Rindler].pdf6.28MB
General Relativity from A to B [Geroch].pdf6.16MB
Foundations of Special Relativity - Kinematic Axioms for Minkowski Space-Time [Schutz].pdf6.14MB
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity - With Modern Applications in Cosmology [Gron-Hervik].pdf6.13MB
Basic Concepts in Relativity and Early Quantum Theory [Resnick-Halliday].pdf6.06MB
The General Theory of Relativity - A Mathematical Exposition [Das-DeBenedictis].pdf5.92MB
Introduction to Tensor Calculus for General Relativity.pdf5.89MB
Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology - A basic Introduction [Cheng].pdf5.81MB
Lectures on General Relativity [Papapetrou].pdf5.76MB
General Relativity [Straumann].pdf5.47MB
Introduction to General Relativity [Ryder].pdf5.31MB
General Relativity with Spin and Torsion - Foundations and Prospects.pdf5.26MB
Relativity DeMYSTiFieD [McMahon].pdf5.23MB
From Special Relativity to Feynman Diagrams [D'Auria-Trigiante].pdf5.22MB
Understanding Relativity - A Simplified Approach to Einstein's Theories [Sartori].pdf5.18MB
Relativity and the Nature of Spacetime [Petkov].pdf5.08MB
Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology [Lambourne].pdf4.63MB
Relativity and Quantum Mechanics - Principles of Modern Physics [Fleisher].pdf4.55MB
Einstein's Relativity - The Ultimate Key to the Cosmos [Cooperstock-Tieu].pdf4.45MB
Analytic Hyperbolic Geometry And Albert Einstein's Special Theory Of Relativity.pdf4.41MB
Special Relativity [Woodhouse].pdf4.29MB
An Introduction to Relativity [Narlikar].pdf4.28MB
Classical Mechanics - Point Particles and Relativity [Greiner].pdf4.25MB
Special Relativity - An Introduction with 200 Problems and Solutions [Tsamparlis].pdf4.01MB
Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity [Penrose].pdf4.01MB
Dynamics and Relativity.pdf4MB
Analytical Mechanics for Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.pdf3.92MB
An Illustrated Guide to Relativity [Takeuchi].pdf3.75MB
Physical Relativity.pdf3.72MB
General Relativity - An Introduction for Physicists [Hobson-Efstathiou-Lasenby].pdf3.71MB
Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Relativity.pdf3.65MB
Special Relativity & Motions faster than Light.pdf3.61MB
The Special Theory of Relativity [Bohm].pdf3.55MB
Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity - Metaphysical Intimations of Modern Physics [Maudlin].pdf3.51MB
Special Relativity [Faraoni].pdf3.29MB
Relativity - The Special and General Theory [Einstein, 2005 Edition].pdf3.19MB
The Genesis of General Relativity - Gravitation in the Twilight of Classical Physics [Renn].pdf3.18MB
Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity [Katz].pdf3.15MB
What Is Relativity [Landau-Rumer].pdf2.92MB
3+1 Formalism in General Relativity [Gourgoulhon].pdf2.9MB
Special Relativity - A First Encounter [Giulini].pdf2.66MB
An Introduction to General Relativity and Cosmology [Plebanski-Krasinski].pdf2.66MB
Advanced Mechanics and General Relativity [Franklin].pdf2.62MB
Mathematica for Theoretical Physics, Volume II - Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, and Fractals.pdf2.62MB
Mathematical and Quantum Aspects of Relativity and Cosmology [Cotsakis-Gibbons].pdf2.52MB
The Geometry of Minkowski Spacetime - An Introduction to the Mathematics of the Special Theory of Relativity [Naber].pdf2.45MB
Very Special Relativity - An Illustrated Guide [Bais].pdf2.35MB
Topics in the Foundations of General Relativity and Newtonian Gravitation Theory [Malament].pdf2.31MB
Practical Relativity - From First Principles to the Theory of Gravity [Henriksen].pdf2.25MB
The Universe of General Relativity [Kox-Eisenstaedt].pdf2.16MB
Cracking the Einstein Code - Relativity and the Birth of Black Hole Physics [Melia].pdf2.13MB
Mathematical Problems of General Relativity I [Christodoulou].pdf2.12MB
The Reign of Relativity [Philosophy in Physics 1915-1925].pdf2.08MB
The Cauchy Problem in General Relativity [Ringstrom].pdf2.05MB
The Meaning of Relativity.pdf1.99MB
General Relativity [Woodhouse].pdf1.92MB
Lecture Notes on the General Theory of Relativity [Gron].pdf1.92MB
Shock Wave Interactions in General Relativity [Groah-Smoller-Temple].pdf1.83MB
General Relativity Without Calculus - A Concise Introduction to the Geometry of Relativity [Natario].pdf1.7MB
Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity.pdf1.68MB
Relativity - The Special and General Theory [Einstein, 2006 Edition-Calder].pdf1.59MB
Six Not-So-Easy Pieces - Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry, and Space-Time [Feynman-Leighton-Sands].pdf1.57MB
Lecture Notes on General Relativity [Carroll].pdf1.54MB
A Primer of Special Relativity [Sardesai].pdf1.52MB
Complex General Relativity.pdf1.48MB
The Geometry of Special Relativity - A Concise Course [Dragon].pdf1.44MB
Special Relativity [Wikibook].pdf1.43MB
Relativity - A Very Short Introduction [Stannard].pdf1.37MB
Basic Relativity - An Introductory Essay [Hrasko].pdf1.34MB
Relativity - The Special and General Theory [Einstein, 1920 Edition].pdf1.28MB
Relativity In Our Time - From Physics to Human Relations.pdf1.27MB
ABC of Relativity [Russel].pdf1.12MB
Henri Poincare and Relativity Theory.pdf1.08MB
Semi-Riemannian Geometry and General Relativity.pdf1.01MB
General Relativity - A Geometric Approach.pdf926.95KB
General Relativity [Khriplovich].pdf847.74KB
Relativity - The Special and General Theory [Einstein-1916, Edition 2005].pdf770.18KB
Gravitational Waves and Black Holes - An Introduction to General Relativity [van Holten].pdf677.78KB
General Relativity and Cosmology for Undergraduates [Norbury].pdf675.43KB
Special Relativity in the 21st Century.pdf637.59KB
Introduction to Relativity [McGlinn].pdf616.6KB
Introduction to General Relativity [’t Hooft].pdf415.48KB
Neutrosophic Methods in General Relativity [Smarandache-Borissova-Rabounski].pdf411.72KB
The Theory of Relativity - Galileo’s Child [Feigenbaum].pdf249.67KB
Connections between Special Relativity, Charge Conservation, and Quantum Mechanics.pdf142.3KB