Analytic Philosophy 2
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2011-2-13 14:32
2025-2-28 06:34
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Analytic Philosophy 2.torrent
D. M. Armstrong - A Materialist Theory of Mind.pdf3.74MB
D.H. Mellor - Matters of Metaphysics.pdf31.73MB
Dag Prawitz - Natural Deduction.pdf3.75MB
Dale Jacquette - Philosophy of Logic.pdf8.14MB
Daniel Dennett - Consciousness Explained.pdf9.99MB
Daniel Gallin - Intensional and Higher-Order Modal Logic.pdf4.51MB
Daniel Garber - Old Evidence in Bayesian Decision Theory.pdf1.01MB
Daniel J. Levitin - Foundations of Cognitive Psychology.pdf12.88MB
Daniel Kolak - Quantifiers, Questions and Quantum Physics.pdf2.54MB
Daniel Moerman - Meaning, Medicine, and the Placebo Effect.pdf1.67MB
Daniel Ogden - A Companion to Greek Religion.pdf5.49MB
Daniel Stoljar - Physicalism.pdf1.48MB
Daniel Yeager - J. L. Austin and the Law.pdf11.83MB
Daniele Moyal-Sharrock - Understanding Wittgenstein's On Certainty.pdf976.84KB
Danielle Macbeth - Frege's Logic.pdf5.66MB
David Anderson - A Dogma of Metaphysical Realism.pdf2.99MB
David Beaver - Presupposition in Dynamic Semantics.pdf1.72MB
David Benatar - Better Never to Have Been.pdf1.04MB
David Boersema - Pragmatism and Reference.pdf5.88MB
David Bohm - Causality and Chance in Modern Physics.pdf1.79MB
David Buss - Human Aggression , Evolutionary Models.pdf1.27MB
David Chalmers - The Conscious Mind.pdf1.12MB
David Copp - Oxford Handbook of Ethical Theory.pdf6.64MB
David Couzens Hoy - Time of Our Lives.pdf872.55KB
David Edward - Introduction to Graphical Modeling.pdf11.04MB
David Grossi - Argumentation Theory in Modal Logic.pdf1.02MB
David Jou, José Casas-Vázquez, Georgy Lebon - Extended, Irreversible .pdf5.73MB
David Kirsh - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence.pdf1.71MB
David Lewis - Convention.pdf22.2MB
David Lewis - Counterfactuals.pdf10.92MB
David Mandel - Counterfactual Thinking and Ascriptions of Cause and Preventability.pdf2.26MB
David Mitchell and Robert Nola - Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism.pdf5.12MB
David Oderberg - The Old New Logic, Fred Sommers.pdf2.19MB
David Owens - Causes and Coincidences.pdf28.17MB
David Peat - From Certainty to Uncertainty.pdf3.78MB
David Sobel - Explanation, Internalism, and Reasons for Action.pdf1.13MB
David Stove - Darwinian Fairytales.pdf1MB
David Zarefsky - The Study of Effetive Reasoning guidebook.pdf1.63MB
Dennis Deiks - The Ontology of Spacetime.pdf3.03MB
Derk Pereboom - Living without Free Will.pdf971.44KB
Dick De Jongh and Frank Veltman - Intensional Logics.pdf529KB
Dick Geeraerts - Lexical Semantics.pdf2.82MB
Didier Van de Velde - Teleological Literacy.pdf5.48MB
Dietmar Seipel - Fixpoint Iteration for Disjunctive Logic Programs.pdf12.45MB
Dirk Van Dalen - Logic and Structure.pdf2.35MB
Donald Campbell, Mark Bickhard, and Peder Christiansen - Emergence and Downward Causation.pdf3.45MB
Donald Davidson - Essays on Actions and Events.pdf1.27MB
Donald Davidson - The Problems of Rationality.pdf1.12MB
Donald Davidson - Truth and Predication.pdf7.19MB
Donald DeGracia - Beyond The Physical.pdf3.58MB
Dorian Gaertner - Argumentation and Normative Reasoning.pdf2.13MB
Doudewijn De Bruin - Explaining Games in the Epistemic System.pdf1.14MB
Dov Gabbay - Category Theory.pdf5.21MB
Dov Gabbay - Handbook of Tableau Methods.pdf3.24MB
Dov Gabbay and Ralph Johnson - Handbook of Argument and Inference.pdf2.54MB
Duncan Foley - Foundations of Statistical Inference.pdf1.04MB
Duncan Pritchard - Epistemic Luck.pdf12.06MB
Dylan Evans and Joanna Bryson - Artificial Emotion.pdf1.24MB
E. A. Burtt - The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science.pdf19.12MB
E. J. Lowe - The Four Category Ontology.pdf2.51MB
E. T. Jaynes - Probability Theory (The Language of Science).pdf7.84MB
Elizabeth Brouer - Imagining Metaphors.pdf1.82MB
Elizabeth Grosz - Becomings.pdf17.71MB
Ellory Eels - Objective Probability Theory Theory.pdf4.41MB
Emir Kamenica - Bayesian Persuasion.pdf1.03MB
Eric Deise - Frame Problems, Fodor's Challenge, and Practical Reason.pdf1.48MB
Eric Johnson - Certain Issues in Actual Causation.pdf2.06MB
Eric Rasmusen - Games and Information.pdf5.73MB
Erich Rost - Reference and Indexicality.pdf2.7MB
Ernest Nagel - A Biographical Memoir.pdf886.57KB
Ernest Nagel - Godel's Proof.pdf365.22KB
Ernest Sosa - Language in the World.pdf5.81MB
Ernest Sosa - Virtue Epistemology.pdf1.72MB
Esa Itkoen - Analogy as Structure and Process.pdf1.53MB
Eugene Subbotsky - Magic and the Mind.pdf1.27MB
Ezzio Di Nucci - The Intentionality of Automatic Actions.pdf1.87MB
Fairouz Kamareddine - A Modern Perspective on Type Theory.pdf3.49MB
Fairouz Kamareddine - Modern Perspective on Type THeory.pdf6.56MB
Francis Heylighen - Cognitive Systems.pdf4.63MB
Francis Longworth - Causation, Counterfactual Dependence, and Pluralism.PDF691.77KB
Frank C. Haddock - The Power of Will.pdf660.4KB
Frank Elias - On the Epistemic Solution to the Sorites Paradox.pdf4.5MB
Frank Jackson - Language, Names, and Information.pdf1.25MB
Fred Dreske - Naturalizing the Mind.pdf18.81MB
Fred Landman - Indefinites and the Type of Sets.pdf871.68KB
Frederick F. Schmitt - Knowledge and Belief.pdf11.54MB
Frederik Stjernfelt - The Semiotic Body.pdf8.72MB
Friedrich Stadler - The Present Situation in Philosophy of Science.pdf3.42MB
Frithjof Dau - The Logic System of Concept Graphs with Negation.pdf3.26MB
Fritz Allhof - Philosophies of the Sciences.pdf2.33MB
G. B. Kerferd - The Sophistic Movement.pdf10.04MB
G. C. Rota - Bounded Arithmetic and Complexity Theory.pdf8.3MB
G. E. Zuriff - The Demise of Behaviorism.pdf1.29MB
G. F. Schueler - Desire, Practical Reasoning, and the Explanation of Action.pdf970.44KB
G. Floistad - Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art.pdf3.96MB
G. J. Chaitlin - Algorithmic Information Theory.pdf775.23KB
G. P. Maximoff - Idealism and Materialism.pdf993.67KB
Galen Strawson - Selves.pdf2.35MB
Gary Bernston - Autonomic Determinism.pdf2.63MB
Gavin B. Rens - A Stochastic Belief-Desire-Intention Architecture.pdf1.25MB
Geir Kirkebøen - Expert judgement- Decision Theory.pdf166.56KB
Gennaro Chierchia - Existence- Syntax and Semantics.pdf2.54MB
Geoff Boucher - The Charmed Circle of Ideology.pdf1.81MB
Geoffrey Brennan - Common Minds, the Philosophy of Philip Pettit.pdf2.3MB
Georg Feuerstein - Connecting the Dots.pdf1.44MB
Georg Ivanovas - From Autism to Humanism.pdf2.98MB