1.47 GB
2015-7-11 10:52
2024-12-3 08:48
10 - 1 - Chapter 8 - Lists (27_14).mp439.62MB
10 - 2 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 8.mp4559.93KB
10 - 3 - Worked Exercise_ Lists (16_35).mp423.41MB
10 - 4 - Assignment_ 8.4 (Due 31-Mar).mp41.17MB
10 - 5 - Assignment_ 8.5 (Due 31-Mar).mp41.17MB
10 - 6 - Bonus_ Rasmus Lerdorf - Inventing the PHP Language (7_45).mp422.82MB
11 - 1 - Chapter 9 - Dictionaries (37_38).mp451.4MB
11 - 2 - Assignment_ 9.4 (Due 7-Apr).mp439.15MB
11 - 3 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 9.mp4559.93KB
11 - 4 - Bonus_ Brendan Eich - Inventing Javascript (12_00).mp444.9MB
12 - 1 - Chapter 10 - Tuples (26_36).mp441.91MB
12 - 2 - Assignment_ 10.2 (Due 14-Apr).mp423.14MB
12 - 3 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 10.mp4559.93KB
12 - 4 - Douglas Crockford_ JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (7_07).mp424.74MB
13 - 1 - Chapter 11 - Regular Expressions (35_23).mp451.79MB
13 - 2 - Student Curated Notes_ Chapter 11.mp4559.93KB
2 - 1 - Welcome to Python - Guido van Rossum (1_01).mp42.48MB
2 - 10 - Office Hours_ New York City.mp413.38MB
2 - 2 - Lecture 1.1 - Why Program (12_19).mp422.14MB
2 - 3 - Lecture 1.2 Hardware Overview (9_02)(1).mp415.94MB
2 - 3 - Lecture 1.2 Hardware Overview (9_02).mp412.62MB
2 - 4 - Lecture 1.3 Python as a Language (14_34).mp425.26MB
2 - 5 - Lecture 1.4 Writing Paragraphs of Code (8_48).mp414.79MB
2 - 6 - Lecture 1.5 An Animated Programming Story (10_43).mp418.13MB
2 - 7 - Assignment_ Turn in __Hello World__ (Due 10-Feb).mp49.57MB
2 - 8 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 1.mp4559.93KB
2 - 9 - Bonus_ Eben Upton and the RaspBerry Pi (9_46).mp429.43MB
1 - 2 - Welcome to Class (19_54).mp431.31MB
3 - 1 - Windows 8_ Installing Python and Writing A Program (8_14).mp412.67MB
3 - 2 - Windows 8_ Taking Screen Shots (2_28).mp43.37MB
3 - 3 - Macintosh_ Installing Python and Writing A Program (8_57).mp48.58MB
3 - 4 - Macintosh_ Taking Screen Shots (5_04).mp45.87MB
3 - 5 - Windows Vista_ Installing Python and Writing A Program (5_46).mp45.47MB
3 - 6 - Windows Vista_ Taking Screen Shots (3_05).mp44.39MB
3 - 7 - Using Python on a Raspberry Pi _ Linux.mp44.41MB
3 - 8 - Extra Credit Assignment_ Installation Screen Shots (Due 3-Mar).mp47.26MB
3 - 9 - Student Curated Notes_ Installation.mp4559.93KB
4 - 1 - Lecture 2.1 Expressions (19_59).mp434.69MB
4 - 2 - Lecture 2.2 Types (22_54).mp439.16MB
4 - 3 - Assignment 2.2 - (Due 17-Feb).mp49.2MB
4 - 4 - Assignment_ 2.3 - (Due 17-Feb).mp41.17MB
4 - 5 - Worked Exercise_ 2.3.mp49.42MB
4 - 6 - Bonus_ Pooja Sankar - Building Piazza (8_46).mp421.54MB
4 - 7 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 2.mp4559.93KB
4 - 8 - Office Hours_ Mountain View CA.mp47.71MB
5 - 1 - Lecture 3.1 Conditional Statements (14_33).mp425.28MB
5 - 10 - Office Hours - Washington, DC.mp419.5MB
5 - 2 - Lecture 3.2 Examples of Conditional Statements (12_00).mp421.08MB
5 - 3 - Lecture 3.3 Try and Except (11_34) .mp419.83MB
5 - 4 - Assignment_ 3.1 - (Due 24-Feb).mp410.66MB
5 - 5 - Worked Exercise_ 3.2 (8_58).mp412.43MB
5 - 6 - Assignment_ 3.3 - (Due 24-Feb).mp41.17MB
5 - 7 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 3.mp4559.93KB
5 - 8 - Introduction to Peer-Graded Essays (Lecture) (14_43).mp422.61MB
5 - 9 - Bonus_ Massimo Banzi_ The Arduino (11_24).mp441.44MB
6 - 1 - Chapter 4 - Functions (28_03).mp434.21MB
6 - 2 - Assignment_ 4.6 (Due 3-Mar).mp420.2MB
6 - 3 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 4.mp4559.93KB
6 - 4 - Bonus_ Daphne Koller - Building Coursera (11_08).mp438.73MB
6 - 5 - Office Hours - Miami, FL.mp412.98MB
7 - 1 - Lecture 5.1 Loops and Iteration (21_12).mp439.83MB
7 - 2 - Lecture 5.2 Loop Idioms (15_05).mp427.85MB
7 - 3 - Lecture 5.3 Largest and Smallest (10_16).mp418.83MB
7 - 4 - Worked Exercise_ 5.1 (14_39).mp419.6MB
7 - 5 - Assignment_ 5.2 (Due 10-Mar).mp41.17MB
7 - 6 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 5.mp4559.93KB
7 - 7 - Bonus_ Niklaus Wirth - On Teaching Computer Science (15_10).mp452.04MB
8 - 1 - Chapter 6 - Strings (27_57).mp440.07MB
8 - 2 - Assignment_ 6.5 (Due 17-Mar).mp46.88MB
8 - 3 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 6.mp4559.93KB
8 - 4 - Bonus_ Monash Museum of Computing History (7_03).mp428.09MB
8 - 5 - Office Hours - Las Vegas, NV (a bit windy).mp44.48MB
9 - 1 - Chapter 7 - Files (24_38).mp437.17MB
9 - 2 - Assignment_ 7.1 (Due 24-Mar).mp415.27MB
9 - 3 - Assignment_ 7.2 (Due 24-Mar).mp41.17MB
9 - 4 - Student Curated Notes_ Week 7.mp4559.93KB
9 - 6 - Office Hours - Boston, MA.mp413.31MB