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Cambridge University Press A History of Greek Philosophy Vol. 4, Plato the Man and His Dialogues Earlier Period (1975) (no OCR).pdf340.18MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 1, The Education of Children How the Young Man Should Study Poetry On Listening to Lectures [etc.] (1927).pdf167.71MB
Edinburgh University Press Proclus, Neo-Platonic Philosophy and Science (1996) (Scan, OCR).pdf152.22MB
Cornell University Press Ammonius, On Aristotle's On Interpretation 9 with Boethius Commentaries (1998) (no OCR).pdf149.49MB
Prometheus Books The Theology of Plato, by Proclus (1994) (no OCR).pdf147.94MB
Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD Plato and Parmenides, Parmenides' Way of Truth and Plato's Parmenides (1939) (no OCR).pdf145.13MB
Princeton University Press Proclus' Commentary on Plato's Parmenides (1987) (no OCR).pdf106.91MB
Kraus International Publications The Continuity of the Platonic Tradition during the Middle Ages (2000) (no OCR).pdf99.31MB
Cornell University Press Ammonius, On Aristotle's Categories (1991) (no OCR).pdf99.29MB
Leuven University Press The Perennial Tradition of Neoplatonism (1997) (no OCR).pdf82.38MB
Comparative Literature Press Numenius of Apamea, The Father of Neo-Platonism (1917) (no OCR).pdf79.19MB
Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD Studies in Plato's Metaphysics (1965) (no OCR).pdf60.3MB
Cambridge University Press A History of Greek Philosophy Vol. 5, The Later Plato and the Academy (1978) (no OCR).pdf57.77MB
Princeton University Press Platonic Studies (1973) (no OCR).pdf52.67MB
Variorum Publishing The Great Tradition, Further Studies in the Development of Platonism and Early Christianity (1997) (no OCR).pdf50.34MB
Parmenides Publishing One Book The Whole Universe, Plato's Timaeus Today (2010) (no OCR).pdf48.6MB
Lexington Books The Emergent Metaphysics in Plato's Theory of Disorder (2006) (no OCR).pdf48.24MB
Variorum Publishing Plato's Third Eye, Studies in Marsilio Ficino's Metaphysics and its Sources (1995) (no OCR).pdf46.93MB
Lexington Books Essays on Plato's Psychology (2001) (no OCR).pdf46.88MB
Cornell University Press Aristotle and Other Platonists (2005) (no OCR).pdf46.71MB
Yale University Press Self-Knowledge in Plato's Phaedrus (1996) (no OCR).pdf45.85MB
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Publishing The Third Kind in Plato's Timaeus (2003) (no OCR).pdf44.95MB
Variorum Publishing The Golden Chain, Studies in the Development of Platonism and Christianity (1990) (no OCR).pdf44.92MB
Philosophical Library Publishing The People's Plato (1958) (Scan, OCR).pdf43.1MB
Princeton University Press Studies in Greek Philosophy Vol. 2, Socrates Plato and Their Tradition (1995) (no OCR).pdf42.65MB
Cambridge University Press Nature and Divinity in Plato's Timaeus (2011) (no OCR).pdf42.56MB
Routledge & Kegan Paul LTD Plato's Theory of Knowledge, The Theaetetus and the Sophist of Plato (1935).pdf42.08MB
Harvard University Press Platonic Theology by Marsilio Ficino Vol. 1, Books 1-4 (2001) (Scan, OCR).pdf40.67MB
Prometheus Books Essays and Fragments of Proclus, The Platonic Successor (1999) (no OCR).pdf39.92MB
Variorum Publishing Reading Plato Tracing Plato, From Ancient Commentary to Medieval Reception (2005) (no OCR).pdf38.94MB
Variorum Publishing Neoplatonism and Early Christian Thought, Essays in Honour of A. H. Armstrong (1981) (no OCR).pdf38.31MB
Oxford University Press Clement of Alexandria, A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism (1971) (no OCR).pdf36.28MB
Brill Publishing Philo of Alexandria, An Annotated Bibliography 1937-1986 (1988).pdf35.52MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Method of Dialectic (1940) (no OCR).pdf32.58MB
Cambridge University Press Companion to Plato (1992).pdf32.41MB
Prentice Hall Reason and Persuasion, Three Dialogues by Plato Euthyphro Meno Republic Book 1 (2010).pdf32.18MB
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Socratic Ignorance, An Essay on Platonic Self-Knowledge (1965) (no OCR).pdf31.13MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Euthyphro Apology Crito Phaedo Phaedrus (1914).pdf30.98MB
Brill Publishing Philo of Alexandria, An Annotated Bibliography 1987-1996 (2001) (no OCR).pdf30.1MB
Methuen & Co. Plato, The Man and his Work 6th (1949).pdf29.48MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Ethics (1995).pdf29.43MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plotinus - Plotinus Vol. 1, Porphyry on Plotinus; Ennead 1 [revised edition] (1989).pdf29.03MB
Brill Publishing Iamblichi Chalcidensis, In Platonis Dialogos Commentariorum Fragmenta (1973) (no OCR).pdf28.97MB
Cornell University Press Proclus, On the Existence of Evils (2003) (Scan, OCR).pdf28.21MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plotinus - Plotinus Vol. 7, Ennead 6.6-9 (1988).pdf28.17MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 5, Isis and Osiris The E at Delphi The Oracles at Delphi No Longer Given in Verse [etc.] (1936).pdf27.86MB
Oxford University Press Plato on Knowledge and Forms, Selected Essays (2003) (no OCR).pdf26.2MB
Yale University Press Toward the Soul, An Inquiry into the Meaning of Psyche before Plato (1981) (no OCR).pdf26.07MB
Oxford University Press The Dialogues of Plato Vol. 2 3rd (1892) (Scan, OCR).pdf25.19MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plotinus - Plotinus Vol. 4, Ennead 4 (1984).pdf25.06MB
Johns Hopkins University Press Aristotle's Criticism of Plato and the Academy (1944) (Scan, OCR).pdf24.95MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Thought in the Making, A Study of the Development of his Metaphysics (1965) (no OCR).pdf24.84MB
Oxford University Press Maximus of Tyre, The Philosophical Orations (1997).pdf24.8MB
University of California Press Auctor and Actor, A Narratological Reading of Apuleius' The Golden Ass (1985).pdf24.77MB
State University of New York Press Plato's Theory of Explanation, A Study of the Cosmological Account in the Timaeus (1988) (no OCR).pdf24.7MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 12, Concerning the Face Which Appears in the Orb of the Moon On the Principle of Cold [etc.] (1957).pdf24.45MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Phaedrus (1952) (no OCR).pdf24.34MB
Brill Publishing Philo of Alexandria Vol. 1, On the Creation of the Cosmos according to Moses (2001) (Scan, OCR).pdf24.27MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 15, Fragments (1969).pdf24.26MB
McGill-Queen's University Press Dialectic of Love, Platonism in Schiller's Aesthetics (1997).pdf24.23MB
University of California Press Homer the Theologian, Neoplatonist Allegorical Reading and the Growth of the Epic Tradition (1986) (no OCR).pdf24.19MB
University of Chicago Press The Being of the Beautiful, Plato's Theaetetus Sophist and Statesman (1984) (Scan, OCR).pdf24.02MB
Variorum Publishing Plotinian and Christian Studies by Prof. A. H. Armstrong (1979) (no OCR).pdf23.94MB
Oxford University Press On Ideas, Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms (1993).pdf23.48MB
Cambridge University Press Companion to Plotinus (1996) (Scan, OCR).pdf22.93MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plotinus - Plotinus Vol. 3, Ennead 3 (1967).pdf22.86MB
Oxford University Press The Ancient Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry Revisited, Plato and the Greek Literary Tradition (2001).pdf22.77MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Questions on Genesis (1953).pdf22.47MB
Walter de Gruyter Publishing The Platonic Tradition in the Middle Ages, A Doxographic Approach (2002) (no OCR).pdf22.32MB
Hackett Publishing Plato's Cosmology, The Timaeus of Plato (1997) (Scan, OCR).pdf21.82MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Republic, Books 6-10 (1935).pdf21.68MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 4, Roman Questions Greek Questions Greek and Roman Parallel Stories On the Fortune of the Romans [etc.] (1936).pdf21.65MB
Wilfrid Laurier University Press The Religious Dreamworld of Apuleius' Metamorphoses, Recovering a Forgotten Hermeneutic (1999).pdf21.49MB
Cornell University Press On the Existence of Evils by Proclus (2003) (no OCR).pdf21MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 3, Sayings of Kings and Commanders Sayings of Romans Sayings of Spartans [etc.] (1931).pdf20.69MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plotinus - Plotinus Vol. 6, Ennead 6.1-5 (1988).pdf20.67MB
Variorum Publishing Exegesis and Philosophy, Studies on Philo of Alexandria (1990).pdf20.41MB
Duckworth Publishing Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 8.6-10 (2001) (no OCR).pdf20MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 11, Aratus Artaxerxes Galba and Otho (1926).pdf19.96MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Moral Theory, The Early and Middle Dialogues (1977) (Scan, OCR).pdf19.73MB
Loeb Classical Library - Apuleius - Metamorphoses, The Golden Ass (2 Vols) (1915).pdf19.7MB
Methuen & Co. Greek Political Theory, Plato and his Predecessors (1918) (no OCR).pdf19.56MB
Hackett Publishing Philosopher-Kings, The Argument of Plato's Republic (2006).pdf19.32MB
Cambridge University Press Plato and the Socratic Dialogue, The Philosophical Use of a Literary Form (1996) (no OCR).pdf19.23MB
Oxford University Press Christianizing Homer, The Odyssey Plato and the Acts of Andrew (1994).pdf18.87MB
Harvard University Press Full House, The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin (2011).pdf18.86MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Laws Vol. 2, Books 7-12 (1926).pdf18.83MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 9, Demetrius and Antony Pyrrhus and Gaius Marius (1920).pdf18.49MB
Oxford University Press Plotinus' Cosmology, A Study of Ennead II.1 (2006).pdf18.46MB
Yale University Press The Dialogues of Plato Vol. 4, Plato's Parmenides [revised edition] (1997).pdf18.43MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Republic, Books 1-5 [revised edition] (1937).pdf18.31MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plotinus - Plotinus Vol. 2, Ennead 2 (1966).pdf17.93MB
Oxford University Press Aeschines and Athenian Politics (1995).pdf17.9MB
Peter Lang Publishing Plotinus Tolma and the Descent of Being, An Exposition and Analysis (1993) (no OCR).pdf17.81MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 5, Agesilaus and Pompey Pelopidas and Marcellus (1917).pdf17.73MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plotinus - Plotinus Vol. 5, Ennead 5 (1984).pdf17.45MB
Loeb Classical Library - Aeschines - Speeches (1918).pdf17.16MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Reception of Parmenides (1999) (no OCR).pdf17.05MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Laws Vol. 1, Books 1-6 (1926).pdf16.95MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 4, Alcibiades and Coriolanus Lysander and Sulla (1916).pdf16.69MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 6, Dion and Brutus Timoleon and Aemilius Paulus (1918).pdf16.67MB
Oxford University Press Pseudo-Dionysius, A Commentary on the Texts and an Introduction to Their Influence (1993).pdf16.52MB
Oxford University Press Form and Argument in Late Plato (2004) (no OCR).pdf16.46MB
Oxford University Press Plato 2, Ethics Politics Religion and the Soul (1999) (no OCR).pdf16.33MB
Brill Publishing Theophrastus against the Presocratics and Plato, Peripatetic Dialectic in the De Sensibus (2000) (no OCR).pdf16.28MB
Hackett Publishing Plato, Timaeus (2000) (Scan, OCR).pdf16.04MB
Variorum Publishing Soul and Intellect, Studies in Plotinus and Later Neoplatonism (1993) (Scan, OCR).pdf15.78MB
Brill Publishing An Alexandrian Platonist against Dualism, Alexander of Lycopolis' Treatise Critique of the Doctrines of Manichaeus (1974) (no OCR).pdf15.68MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Laches, Protagoras Meno Euthydemus [revised edition] (1937).pdf15.68MB
Oxford University Press Essays on Plato and Aristotle (1997) (no OCR).pdf15.5MB
Parmenides Publishing The Philosopher in Plato's Statesman (2004) (no OCR).pdf15.42MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 7, Demosthenes and Cicero Alexander and Caesar (1919).pdf15.27MB
Cambridge University Press Plato, The Republic (2000) (no OCR).pdf15.1MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 2, Themistocles and Camillus Aristides and Cato Major Cimon and Lucullus (1914).pdf14.96MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Theaetetus (1988) (no OCR).pdf14.85MB
Oxford University Press The Elements of Theology by Proclus, A Revised Text with Translation Introduction and Commentary 2nd (1963).pdf14.71MB
Hackett Publishing The Theaetetus of Plato (1990) (Scan, OCR).pdf14.63MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Penal Code, Tradition Controversy and Reform in Greek Penology (1991) (no OCR).pdf14.61MB
Oxford University Press Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics (1998) (Scan, OCR).pdf14.61MB
Blackwell Publishing Greek Popular Morality, In the Time of Plato and Aristotle (1974) (no OCR).pdf14.48MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Charmides, Alcibiades 1 and 2 Hipparchus The Lovers Theages Minos Epinomis (1927).pdf14.43MB
Yale University Press Dialogue and Dialectic, Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato (1980) (no OCR).pdf14.43MB
Oxford University Press Augustine's Invention of the Inner Self, The Legacy of a Christian Platonist (2000).pdf14.35MB
Indiana University Press Plato's Mathematical Imagination, The Mathematical Passages in the Dialogues and Their Interpretation (1954) (Scan, OCR).pdf14.13MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 6, Can Virtue Be Taught On Moral Virtue On the Control of Anger On Tranquility of Mind [etc.] (1939).pdf14.13MB
Variorum Publishing Man Soul and Body, Essays in Ancient Thought from Plato to Dionysius (1996) (Scan, OCR).pdf14.04MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 10, Agis and Cleomenes Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus Philopoemen and Flamininus (1921).pdf14MB
Oxford University Press Socrates Dissatisfied, An Analysis of Plato's Crito (1998).pdf13.87MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 10, On the Embassy to Gaius (1962).pdf13.86MB
Oxford University Press Plutarch's Advice to the Bride and Groom and A Consolation to His Wife (1999) (Scan, OCR).pdf13.63MB
Pennsylvania State University Press Theurgy and the Soul, The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus (1995) (Scan, OCR).pdf13.51MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plato - Theaetetus, Sophist (1921).pdf13.5MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 2, How to Profit by One's Enemies On Having Many Friends Chance Virtue and Vice [etc.] (1928).pdf13.47MB
Harvard University Press Preface to Plato (1963) (no OCR).pdf13.45MB
Methuen & Co. Plato and His Contemporaries, A Study in 4th-Century Life and Thought 2nd (1948).pdf13.4MB
Matheson Trust Publishing Orpheus and the Roots of Platonism (2011) (no OCR).pdf13.4MB
Classical Press of Wales Reason and Necessity, Essays on Plato's Timaeus (2000) (no OCR).pdf13.31MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Moralia Vol. 10, Love Stories That a Philosopher Ought to Converse Especially With Men in Power [etc.] (1936).pdf13.19MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Progress (1966) (no OCR).pdf13.19MB
Harvard University Press The Greek Concept of Justice, From Its Shadow in Homer to Its Substance in Plato (1978).pdf13.04MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 1, Theseus and Romulus Lycurgus and Numa Solon and Publicola (1914).pdf13.03MB
Ashgate Publishing Myth, Metaphysics and Dialectic in Plato's Statesman (2007).pdf12.81MB
Cambridge University Press Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates Vol. 2 (2009).pdf12.73MB
Oxford University Press Plato, Protagoras 2nd (1991) (no OCR).pdf12.64MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Questions on Exodus (1953).pdf12.5MB
Cambridge University Press Plato and the Other Companions of Sokrates Vol. 1 (2009).pdf12.47MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 3, Pericles and Fabius Maximus Nicias and Crassus (1916).pdf12.44MB
University of Chicago Press Isaac Israeli, A Neoplatonic Philosopher of the Early 10th Century (2009).pdf12.42MB
Oxford University Press Eros Unveiled, Plato and the God of Love (1996) (Scan, no OCR).pdf11.51MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 4, On the Confusion of Tongues On the Migration of Abraham Who Is the Heir of Divine Things [etc.] (1932).pdf11.2MB
Oxford University Press Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle (1989) (no OCR).pdf11.16MB
Barkhuis Publishing Lectiones Scrupulosae, Readings of Apuleius' Metamorphoses in Honor of Maaike Zimmerman (2006).pdf11.15MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Phaedo (1986) (no OCR).pdf11.1MB
Yale University Press The Dialogues of Plato Vol. 3, Ion Hippias Minor Laches Protagoras (1996).pdf10.99MB
University of Texas Press Aeschines (2000).pdf10.85MB
Brill Publishing Philo of Alexandria, Legatio ad Gaium (1961) (Scan, OCR).pdf10.84MB
Bristol Classical Press Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 1.3-4 (2011) (no OCR).pdf10.78MB
Loeb Classical Library - Plutarch - Lives Vol. 8, Sertorius and Eumenes Phocion and Cato the Younger (1919).pdf10.71MB
Elek Books Plutarch's Lives (1974) (no OCR).pdf10.68MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 6, On Abraham On Joseph On Moses (1935).pdf10.58MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 5, On Flight and Finding On the Change of Names On Dreams (1934).pdf10.58MB
University of California Press Plato on Punishment (1981) (no OCR).pdf10.53MB
Peeters Press The Unknown God, Negative Theology in the Platonic Tradition Plato to Eriugena (1995) (Scan, OCR).pdf10.43MB
Yale University Press The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy (1986).pdf10.3MB
Gaspereau Press Plato as Artist (2009) (no OCR).pdf10.14MB
Brill Publishing Pleasure and the Good Life, Plato Aristotle and the Neoplatonists (2000).pdf10.05MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 7, On the Decalogue On the Special Laws Books 1-3 (1937).pdf9.94MB
Routledge Press Plato's Metaphysics of Education (1988) (no OCR).pdf9.62MB
Oxford University Press Plato's Parmenides (1991).pdf9.58MB
University of Chicago Press The Argument and the Action of Plato's Laws (1975) (Scan, OCR).pdf9.54MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 3, On the Unchangeableness of God On Husbandry Concerning Noah's Work As a Planter On Drunkenness [etc.] (1930).pdf9.35MB
Lexington Books Pharmakon, Plato Drug Culture and Identity in Ancient Athens (2010) (no OCR).pdf9.34MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 1, On the Creation Allegorical Interpretation of Genesis 2 and 3 (1929).pdf9.25MB
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Plotinus' Psychology, His Doctrines of the Embodied Soul (1971) (Scan, OCR).pdf9.18MB
Parmenides Publishing Interpreting Plato's Dialogues (2005) (no OCR).pdf9.09MB
Oxford University Press A Companion to the Prologue to Apuleius' Metamorphoses (2005).pdf9.05MB
Oxford University Press The Handbook of Platonism by Alcinous (1996).pdf8.9MB
Continuum International Publishing The Essence of Truth, On Plato's Cave Allegory and Theaetetus (2004).pdf8.87MB
Selene Books The Neoplatonic Writings of Numenius (1987) (no OCR).pdf8.79MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 2, On the Cherubim The Sacrifices of Abel and Cain The Worse Attacks the Better On the Posterity and Exile of Cain [etc.] (1929).pdf8.75MB
Continuum International Publishing Plato's Republic, A Reader's Guide (2006).pdf8.69MB
University of Chicago Press Plato the Myth Maker (1999) (no OCR).pdf8.65MB
Mariner Books Plato and Augustine (1962).pdf8.62MB
Aarhus University Press Plotinus on Selfhood, Freedom and Politics (2005).pdf8.6MB
Brill Publishing Pseudo-Dionysius and the Metaphysics of Aquinas (1992) (Scan, OCR).pdf8.57MB
Brill Publishing Philo of Alexandria, An Exegete for His Time (1997).pdf8.54MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 9, Every Good Man is Free On the Contemplative Life On the Eternity of the World Against Flaccus [etc.] (1941).pdf8.23MB
Hackett Publishing Plato, Complete Works (1997).pdf7.97MB
Cambridge University Press Listening to the Cicadas, A Study of Plato's Phaedrus (1987).pdf7.66MB
Cambridge University Press The Development of Plato's Ethics (1955) (Scan, OCR).pdf7.51MB
McGill-Queen's University Press Form and Transformation, A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus (1992).pdf7.34MB
Loeb Classical Library - Philo - Vol. 8, On the Special Laws Book 4; On the Virtues On Rewards and Punishments (1939).pdf7.25MB
Basic Books The Republic of Plato 2nd (1991) (no OCR).pdf7.23MB
Collier Books Plotinus (1962).pdf7.22MB
University of Chicago Press The Philosophy of Plotinus (1958) (no OCR).pdf7.02MB
Ashgate Publishing Plato and Aristotle's Ethics (2003) (Scan, OCR).pdf7.01MB
Brill Publishing A Study of Spiritual Motion in the Philosophy of Proclus (1973) (Scan, OCR).pdf6.97MB
Brill Publishing Aristotle's Categories and Porphyry 2nd (1996).pdf6.8MB
University of Chicago Press Postmodern Platos, Nietzsche Heidegger Gadamer Strauss Derrida (1996) (Scan, OCR).pdf6.43MB
Oxford University Press Plato and Aristotle in Agreement, Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry (2006).pdf6.42MB
Cambridge University Press Reading Neoplatonism, Non-discursive Thinking in the Texts of Plotinus Proclus and Damascius (2000).pdf6.26MB
Cambridge University Press Method and Politics in Plato's Statesman (1998).pdf6.2MB
University of Chicago Press Plato's Laws, The Discovery of Being (2000) (no OCR).pdf6.19MB
Lexington Books Plato and Protagoras, Truth and Relativism in Ancient Greek Philosophy (1999).pdf6.18MB
Cambridge University Press Plato and the Hero, Courage Manliness and the Impersonal Good (2000).pdf6.12MB
Russell and Russell Publishing The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel (1965) (no OCR).pdf6.11MB
Prometheus Books Porphyry's Against the Christians, The Literary Remains (1994).pdf6.08MB
Cambridge University Press Platonism and the English Imagination (1994) (Scan, OCR).pdf6.07MB
University of North Carolina Press A Commentary on Plato's Meno (1965) (Scan, OCR).pdf6.04MB
Cambridge University Press Companion to Plotinus (1996).pdf6.01MB
Continuum International Publishing The Socratic Method, Plato's Use of Philosophical Drama (2007).pdf5.94MB
Continuum International Publishing Platonism, Music and the Listener's Share (2006).pdf5.87MB
Cambridge University Press Plato and his Predecessors, The Dramatisation of Reason (2000).pdf5.75MB
Phanes Press Porphyry's Letter to His Wife Marcella, Concerning the Life of Philosophy and the Ascent to the Gods (1986) (no OCR).pdf5.6MB
Cambridge University Press Recollection and Experience, Plato's Theory of Learning and its Successors (1995) (Scan, OCR).pdf5.59MB
Columbia University Press Commentary on the Dream of Scipio by Macrobius (1990) (Scan, OCR).pdf5.58MB
Cambridge University Press Proclus, An Introduction (2012).pdf5.46MB
Cambridge University Press Early Philosophical Shiism, The Ismaili Neoplatonism of Abu Ya'qub al-Sijistani (1993).pdf5.42MB
Hendrickson Publishers The Works of Philo (1993).pdf5.41MB
Harvard University Press Platonic Theology by Marsilio Ficino Vol. 2, Books 5-8 (2002).pdf5.28MB
Harvard University Press Platonic Theology by Marsilio Ficino Vol. 6, Books 17-18 (2006).pdf5.21MB
Harvard University Press Platonic Theology by Marsilio Ficino Vol. 4, Books 12-14 (2004).pdf5.01MB
Routledge Press Plotinus, The Arguments of the Philosophers (1994).pdf5MB
Cambridge University Press Plotinus on Sense-Perception, A Philosophical Study (1988).pdf4.98MB
Harvard University Press Platonic Theology by Marsilio Ficino Vol. 3, Books 9-11 (2003).pdf4.96MB
Blackwell Publishing A History of Literary Criticism and Theory, From Plato to the Present (2005).pdf4.95MB
University of Chicago Press Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy (1983) (Scan, OCR).pdf4.64MB
Pennsylvania State University Press The Platonic Political Art, A Study of Critical Reason and Democracy (2001).pdf4.62MB
University of Alabama Press Plato's Phaedrus, A Defense of a Philosophic Art of Writing (1980) (Scan, OCR).pdf4.57MB
Springer Publishing Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology, From Thales to Heraclides Ponticus (2011).pdf4.56MB
Oxford University Press Greek Lives, A Selection of Nine Greek Lives by Plutarch (1998).pdf4.55MB
Yale University Press The Phaedo, A Platonic Labyrinth (1984) (Scan, OCR).pdf4.54MB
Brill Publishing Aristotle On the Life-Bearing Spirit De spiritu, A Discussion with Plato and his Predecessors on Pneuma as the Instrumental Body of the Soul (2008).pdf4.52MB
Hackett Publishing The People of Plato, A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics (2002).pdf4.41MB
Oxford University Press Latin Forms of Address, From Plautus to Apuleius (2002).pdf4.39MB
Oxford University Press The Protean Ass, The Metamorphoses of Apuleius from Antiquity to the Renaissance (2007).pdf4.3MB
Hackett Publishing Plato, Republic (2004).pdf4.28MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Lysis (2005).pdf4.24MB
Brill Publishing Reading Ancient Texts Vol. 2, Aristotle and Neoplatonism (2007).pdf4.2MB
Brill Publishing Reading Ancient Texts Vol. 1, Presocratics and Plato (2007).pdf4.06MB
Oxford University Press Aeschines, Against Timarchos (2001).pdf4MB
Cambridge University Press The Cratylus of Plato, A Commentary (2011).pdf3.95MB
Libra Publishers The Doctrine of the Soul in the Thought of Plotinus and Origen (1978) (no OCR) [partial].pdf3.91MB
Oxford University Press The Development of Plato's Political Theory 2nd (2006).pdf3.78MB
Springer Publishing Socratic Platonic and Aristotelian Studies, Essays in Honor of Gerasimos Santas (2011).pdf3.68MB
Leuven University Press Plutarch's Maxime Cum Principibus Philosopho Esse Disserendum, An Interpretation with Commentary (2009).pdf3.59MB
Oxford University Press Roman Lives, A Selection of Eight Lives by Plutarch (1999).pdf3.57MB
Brill Publishing The Logic of Apuleius (1987).pdf3.51MB
Cambridge University Press From Eudoxus to Einstein, A History of Mathematical Astronomy (2004).pdf3.51MB
University of Chicago Press Plato's Philosophers, The Coherence of the Dialogues (2009).pdf3.48MB
State University of New York Press Theophany, The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite (2007).pdf3.44MB
Cambridge University Press Myth and Philosophy from the Presocratics to Plato (2000).pdf3.35MB
Oxford University Press Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life (2005).pdf3.34MB
Princeton University Press The Open Society and Its Enemies (2 Vols), Plato Hegel and Marx 5th (1966).pdf3.28MB
Walter de Gruyter Publishing The Unity of Plutarch's Work, Moralia Themes in the Lives Features of the Lives in the Moralia (2008).pdf3.26MB
Yale University Press Plato's Republic, A Study (2005).pdf3.1MB
Oxford University Press Plato, Political Philosophy (2006).pdf3.1MB
Cambridge University Press The Chronology of Plato's Dialogues (1990).pdf3.06MB
Oxford University Press Plutarch's Practical Ethics, The Social Dynamics of Philosophy (2010).pdf3.03MB
Hackett Publishing Neoplatonic Philosophy, Introductory Readings (2004).pdf3.02MB
State University of New York Press Eros and the Intoxications of Enlightenment, On Plato's Symposium (2010).pdf2.96MB
State University of New York Press Erotic Wisdom, Philosophy and Intermediacy in Plato's Symposium (2008).pdf2.95MB
Routledge Press Plato Etc., The Problems of Philosophy and their Resolution (2010).pdf2.92MB
Oxford University Press Philebus by Plato, Translated with Notes and Commentary (1975).pdf2.85MB
Brill Publishing Laus Platonici Philosophi, Marsilio Ficino and his Influence (2011).pdf2.84MB
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Blackwell Publishing A Companion to Plato (2006).pdf2.73MB
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Oxford University Press The Many Faces of Philosophy, Reflections from Plato to Arendt (2003).pdf2.35MB
Cambridge University Press The Talking Greeks, Speech Animals and the Other in Homer Aeschylus and Plato (2005).pdf2.35MB
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Academia Verlag Gorgias and Menon, Selected Papers from the 7th Symposium Platonicum (2007).pdf2.28MB
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Joseph Henry Press The One True Platonic Heaven, A Scientific Fiction on the Limits of Knowledge (2003).pdf2.22MB
University of Missouri Press Eros Wisdom and Silence, Plato's Erotic Dialogues (2003).pdf2.2MB
Academia Verlag Plato's Philebus, Selected Papers from the 8th Symposium Platonicum (2010).pdf2.19MB
Pluto Press Political Philosophy, From Plato to Mao (2001).pdf2.18MB
Edinburgh University Press Pursuing the Good, Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato's Republic (2007).pdf2.18MB
Oxford University Press Meno and Other Dialogues by Plato, Charmides Laches Lysis Meno (2005).pdf2.14MB
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Johns Hopkins University Press Plato and the Virtue of Courage (2006).pdf2.12MB
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State University of New York Press Troubling Play, Meaning and Entity in Plato's Parmenides (2005).pdf2.02MB
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Princeton University Press Plato's Democratic Entanglements, Athenian Politics and the Practice of Philosophy (2000).pdf1.98MB
Cambridge University Press Plato and the Art of Philosophical Writing (2007).pdf1.96MB
Ashgate Publishing Plotinus on the Appearance of Time and the World of Sense, A Pantomime (2007).pdf1.89MB
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Brill Publishing Plotinus in Dialogue with the Gnostics (2011).pdf1.88MB
Routledge Press Plato and Levinas, The Ambiguous Out-Side of Ethics (2010).pdf1.83MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Republic, A Critical Guide (2010).pdf1.82MB
Liverpool University Press Neoplatonic Saints, The Lives of Plotinus and Proclus by their Students (2000).pdf1.81MB
Purdue University Press Reading Plotinus, A Practical Introduction to Neoplatonism (2005).pdf1.8MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Introduction of Forms (2004).pdf1.8MB
Oxford University Press Plato and Hesiod (2010).pdf1.79MB
State University of New York Press The Rational Enterprise, Logos in Plato's Theaetetus (1990).pdf1.79MB
Cambridge University Press Augustine's Intellectual Conversion, The Journey from Platonism to Christianity (2009).pdf1.77MB
Leuven University Press A Commentary on Plutarch's De Latenter Vivendo (2007).pdf1.77MB
Oxford University Press The Brute Within, Appetitive Desire in Plato and Aristotle (2006).pdf1.76MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Cosmology and its Ethical Dimensions (2005).pdf1.76MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Meno (2006).pdf1.75MB
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University of Chicago Press How Philisophy Became Socratic, A Study of Plato’s Protagoras Charmides and Republic (2010).pdf1.72MB
Cambridge University Press Proclus Commentary on Plato's Timaeus Vol. 1 Book 1, Proclus on the Socratic State and Atlantis (2006).pdf1.71MB
Brill Publishing Iamblichus De Anima, Text Translation and Commentary (2002).pdf1.7MB
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Cambridge University Press Cross-Examining Socrates, A Defense of the Interlocutors in Plato's Early Dialogues (2000).pdf1.68MB
State University of New York Press Neoplatonism and Indian Thought (1982).pdf1.67MB
Brill Publishing The Teachings of Syrianus on Plato's Timaeus and Parmenides (2011).pdf1.65MB
Society of Biblical Literature Publishing Plato's Parmenides and Its Heritage Vol. 1, History and Interpretation from the Old Academy to Later Platonism and Gnosticism (2010).pdf1.63MB
University of California Press Form and Good in Plato's Eleatic Dialogues, The Parmenides Theatetus Sophist and Statesman (1994).pdf1.63MB
Pennsylvania State University Press Plato's Dialectic at Play, Argument Structure and Myth in the Symposium (2004).pdf1.62MB
Springer Publishing Defending Hypatia, Ramus Savile and the Renaissance Rediscovery of Mathematical History (2010).pdf1.61MB
World Wisdom Inc. The Heart of Plotinus, The Essential Enneads (2009).pdf1.61MB
Northwestern University Press Philosophy in Dialogue, Plato's Many Devices (2007).pdf1.6MB
Continuum International Publishing Plato's Stepping Stones, Degrees of Moral Virtue (2006).pdf1.59MB
Oxford University Press The Heirs of Plato, A Study of the Old Academy 347–274 BC (2003).pdf1.58MB
State University of New York Press A Platonic Philosophy of Religion, A Process Perspective (2005).pdf1.58MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Laws, A Critical Guide (2010).pdf1.56MB
Oxford University Press Plotinus on Eudaimonia, A Commentary on Ennead I.4 (2006).pdf1.55MB
Brill Publishing Philo of Alexandria and Post-Aristotelian Philosophy (2008).pdf1.55MB
Oxford University Press Platonopolis, Platonic Political Philosophy in Late Antiquity (2003).pdf1.55MB
Brill Publishing Proclus' Commentary on the Cratylus in Context, Ancient Theories of Language and Naming (2008).pdf1.54MB
Wiley Plato within Your Grasp, The First Step to Understanding Plato (2004).pdf1.53MB
Cambridge University Press Plato, Clitophon (1999).pdf1.53MB
Routledge Press Philosophy GuideBook to Plato and the Republic 2nd (2003).pdf1.51MB
Cambridge University Press Plato on the Rhetoric of Philosophers and Sophists (2007).pdf1.5MB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Charmides, Positive Elenchus in a Socratic Dialogue (2011).pdf1.49MB
Oxford University Press Plotinus on Intellect (2007).pdf1.48MB
Walter de Gruyter Publishing Witches Isis and Narrative, Approaches to Magic in Apuleius' Metamorphoses (2008).pdf1.47MB
World Wisdom Inc. The Golden Chain, An Anthology of Pythagorean and Platonic Philosophy (2004).pdf1.46MB
Society of Biblical Literature Publishing Plato's Parmenides and Its Heritage Vol. 2, Its Reception in Neoplatonic Jewish and Christian Texts (2010).pdf1.46MB
Oxford University Press Damascius' Problems and Solutions Concerning First Principles (2010).pdf1.45MB
Walter de Gruyter Publishing Transparency and Dissimulation, Configurations of Neoplatonism in Early Modern English Literature (2010).pdf1.44MB
Cambridge University Press Proclus Commentary on Plato's Timaeus Vol. 2 Book 2, Proclus on the Causes of the Cosmos and its Creation (2008).pdf1.44MB
University of Missouri Press Order and History, Plato and Aristotle Vol. 3 (2000).pdf1.43MB
Lexington Books The Transformation of Plato's Republic (2006).pdf1.4MB
Cambridge University Press Myths of the Underworld Journey, Plato Aristophanes and the Orphic Gold Tablets (2004).pdf1.39MB
Springer Publishing Platonism at the Origins of Modernity, Studies on Platonism and Early Modern Philosophy (2008).pdf1.39MB
Routledge Press Plutarch and the Historical Tradition (1992).pdf1.36MB
Oxford University Press Plato on Parts and Wholes, The Metaphysics of Structure (2002).pdf1.36MB
Oxford University Press The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition, From Plato to Denys 2nd (2007).pdf1.35MB
Brill Publishing Critical Notes on Plato's Politeia (2005).pdf1.35MB
Continuum International Publishing Plato on Virtue and the Law (2009).pdf1.35MB
Brill Publishing Death and Immortality in Late Neoplatonism, Studies on the Ancient Commentaries on Plato's Phaedo (2011).pdf1.34MB
Cambridge University Press Aiming at Virtue in Plato (2008).pdf1.34MB
Edinburgh University Press Philosophy and Love, From Plato to Popular Culture (2007).pdf1.33MB
Oxford University Press Trials of Reason, Plato and the Crafting of Philosophy (2008).pdf1.32MB
Oxford University Press Apuleius and Drama, The Ass on Stage (2006).pdf1.32MB
Edinburgh University Press Plato's Republic, An Edinburgh Philosophical Guide (2009).pdf1.31MB
Brill Publishing The Enigmatic Reality of Time, Aristotle Plotinus and Today (2008).pdf1.31MB
State University of New York Press Plotinus and the Presocratics, A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus’ Enneads (2007).pdf1.3MB
Indiana University Press Chorology, On Beginning in Plato's Timaeus (1999).pdf1.3MB
Cambridge University Press Proclus Commentary on Plato's Timaeus Vol. 3 Book 3 Part 1, Proclus on the World's Body (2007).pdf1.3MB
Cambridge University Press Socrates and Philosophy in the Dialogues of Plato (2011).pdf1.29MB
Phanes Press Porphyry's Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind, An Introduction to the Neoplatonic Philosophy of Plotinus (1988) (no OCR).pdf1.28MB
Brill Publishing The Notion of That Which Depends on Us in Plotinus and Its Background (2008).pdf1.26MB
State University of New York Press Socratic Rationalism and Political Philosophy, An Interpretation of Plato's Phaedo (1993).pdf1.25MB
Routledge Press Plato, Utilitarianism and Education (2010).pdf1.25MB
Blackwell Publishing Guide to Plato's Republic (2006).pdf1.25MB
Kessinger Publishing A Study of Plutarch's Life of Artaxerxes, With Especial Reference to the Sources (1881) (no OCR).pdf1.24MB
Cambridge University Press Plato on Music, Soul and Body (2010).pdf1.23MB
Longmans Green and Co. The Philosophy of Plotinus by William Ralph Inge 3rd (1917).pdf1.22MB
Brill Publishing Philo's Flaccus, The First Pogrom Introduction Translation and Commentary (2003).pdf1.2MB
Oxford University Press After Godel, Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic (2011).pdf1.19MB
University of Massachusetts Press Women and the Ideal Society, Plato's Republic and Modern Myths of Gender (1987).pdf1.19MB
Walter de Gruyter Publishing The Poetics of Philosophical Language, Plato Poets and Presocratics in the Republic (2011).pdf1.19MB
Blackwell Publishing Understanding Plato's Republic (2010).pdf1.19MB
Hackett Publishing Apuleius, The Golden Ass or a Book of Changes (2007).pdf1.18MB
Cambridge University Press Socrates on Friendship and Community, Reflections on Plato's Symposium Phaedrus and Lysis (2009).pdf1.16MB
Oxford University Press Virtue in the Cave, Moral Inquiry in Plato's Meno (2001).pdf1.15MB
Continuum International Publishing Heidegger's Platonism (2009).pdf1.14MB
University of Missouri Press Politics Philosophy Writing, Plato's Art of Caring for Souls (2001).pdf1.14MB
Johns Hopkins University Press Plato's Political Philosophy (2010).pdf1.13MB
Routledge Press Names and Nature in Plato's Cratylus (2001).pdf1.13MB
University of California Press Nuptial Arithmetic, Marsilio Ficino's Commentary on the Fatal Number in Book 8 of Plato's Republic (1994).pdf1.12MB
Edinburgh University Press Badiou and Plato, An Education by Truths (2011).pdf1.12MB
Harvard University Press Platonic Theology by Marsilio Ficino Vol. 5, Books 15-16 (2005).pdf1.12MB
Oxford University Press Porphyry, Introduction (2003).pdf1.11MB
Lexington Books The Philosopher's Song, The Poets' Influence on Plato (2010).pdf1.1MB
Cambridge University Press Knowledge and Politics in Plato's Theaetetus (2008).pdf1.1MB
Continuum International Publishing Plato's Symposium, A Reader's Guide (2010).pdf1.09MB
Routledge Press The Birth of Rhetoric, Gorgias Plato and their Successors (1996).pdf1.09MB
University of California Press Plato's Parmenides (2003).pdf1.08MB
Northwestern University Press Heidegger and Plato, Toward Dialogue (2005).pdf1.07MB
Brill Publishing One God One Law, Philo of Alexandria on the Mosaic and Greco-Roman Law (2003).pdf1.06MB
Princeton University Press The Dialectic of Essence, A Study of Plato's Metaphysics (2002).pdf1.05MB
Walter de Gruyter Publishing Aristotle and Plotinus on Memory (2009).pdf1.05MB
Hackett Publishing Five Dialogues by Plato, Euthyphro Apology Crito Meno Phaedo 2nd (2002).pdf1.03MB
Ashgate Publishing Word and Meaning in Ancient Alexandria, Theories of Language from Philo to Plotinus (2008).pdf1.03MB
Indiana University Press Of Myth, Life and War in Plato's Republic (2002).pdf1.02MB
Edinburgh University Press The Ethics of Writing, Authorship and Legacy in Plato and Nietzsche (2008).pdf1.01MB
Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers All Things Natural, Ficino on Plato's Timaeus (2010).pdf1MB
Oxford University Press Plotinus, An Introduction to the Enneads (1993).pdf1022.43KB
State University of New York Press The Civic Conversations of Thucydides and Plato, Classical Political Philosophy and the Limits of Democracy (2008).pdf1014.39KB
Brill Publishing The Afterlife of the Platonic Soul, Reflections of Platonic Psychology in the Monotheistic Religions (2009).pdf1011.68KB
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers The Bow and the Lyre, A Platonic Reading of the Odyssey (1997).pdf1008.48KB
Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers Evermore Shall Be So, Ficino on Plato's Parmenides (2008).pdf1001.92KB
University of Missouri Press Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism (2007).pdf1001.56KB
Brill Publishing Neoplatonism after Derrida, Parallelograms (2006).pdf998.71KB
Indiana University Press Plato and the Question of Beauty (2008).pdf977.69KB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Cratylus (2003).pdf974.28KB
Cambridge University Press The Ironic Defense of Socrates, Plato's Apology (2010).pdf941.76KB
Princeton University Press Prudes Perverts and Tyrants, Plato's Gorgias and the Politics of Shame (2010).pdf938.49KB
Oxford University Press Plato, Timaeus and Critias (2008).pdf905.15KB
Lexington Books Plato versus Parmenides, The Debate over Coming-into-Being in Greek Philosophy (2011).pdf902.35KB
Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers Gardens of Philosophy, Ficino on Plato (2006).pdf897.29KB
Indiana University Press Descent of Socrates, Self-Knowledge and Cryptic Nature in the Platonic Dialogues (2005).pdf895.78KB
Cambridge University Press The Unity of Plato's Gorgias, Rhetoric Justice and the Philosophic Life (2006).pdf892.72KB
Continuum International Publishing Plato, A Guide for the Perplexed (2007).pdf889.77KB
Oxford University Press The Forum and the Tower, How Scholars and Politicians Have Imagined the World from Plato to Eleanor Roosevelt (2011).pdf889.76KB
Oxford University Press The Midwife of Platonism, Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus (2002).pdf883.88KB
Brill Publishing Italian Studies on Philo of Alexandria (2003).pdf876.49KB
Cambridge University Press Plotinus on Self, The Philosophy of the We (2007).pdf858.56KB
University of California Press The Art of Living, Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault (1998).pdf848.46KB
Cambridge University Press Metaphysics and Method in Plato's Statesman (2006).pdf842.97KB
Fordham University Press Plato on the Human Paradox (1997).pdf837.58KB
Routledge Press Philosophy GuideBook to Plato and the Republic (1995).pdf837.23KB
Fordham University Press The Quest for Meaning, Friends of Wisdom from Plato to Levinas (2003).pdf833.38KB
Oxford University Press The Anatomy of Neoplatonism (1990).pdf812.22KB
Oxford University Press Inner Grace, Augustine in the Traditions of Plato and Paul (2008).pdf809.46KB
Continuum International Publishing Parmenides Plato and Mortal Philosophy, Return from Transcendence (2011).pdf802.72KB
Oneworld Publications Philosophy and Religion, From Plato to Postmodernism (2002).pdf794.46KB
Routledge Press Plato [political thinkers] (2004).pdf784.17KB
Cambridge Scholars Press Plato and Platonism, A Series of Lectures (2002).pdf763.01KB
State University of New York Press Plato's Socrates as Educator (2000).pdf758.32KB
Routledge Press Plato's Invisible Cities, Discourse and Power in the Republic (1991).pdf742.23KB
Free Press Alfarabi's Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle (1962).pdf739.42KB
Princeton University Press Numbers Rule, The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy from Plato to the Present (2010).pdf738.22KB
Oxford University Press Plato, Phaedrus (2002).pdf737.37KB
Oxford University Press Phaedrus, Plato (2002).pdf737.37KB
Princeton University Press Plato's Fable, On the Mortal Condition in Shadowy Times (2006).pdf730.71KB
State University of New York Press Questioning Platonism, Continental Interpretations of Plato (2004).pdf729.9KB
Oneworld Publications Al-Farabi Founder of Islamic Neoplatonism, His Life Works and Influence (2002).pdf723.81KB
Cambridge University Press Plato's Natural Philosophy, A Study of the Timaeus-Critias (2004).pdf712.26KB
Brill Publishing The Syntax of Time, The Phenomenology of Time in Greek Physics and Speculative Logic from Iamblichus to Anaximander (2005).pdf709.43KB
Southern Illinois University Press Plato on God as nous (1995).pdf704.8KB
MIT Press Plato's Revenge, Politics in the Age of Ecology (2011).pdf661.71KB
Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers When Philosophers Rule, Ficino on Plato's Republic Laws and Epinomis (2009).pdf655.09KB
Lexington Books Knowledge and Self-Knowledge in Plato's Theaetetus (2008).pdf637.36KB
Ashgate Publishing Protagoras and the Challenge of Relativism, Plato's Subtlest Enemy (2007).pdf601.84KB
Cambridge University Press Plato, The Symposium (2008).pdf597.41KB
Oxford University Press Rationalism Platonism and God, A Symposium on Early Modern Philosophy (2007).pdf592.26KB
Kessinger Publishing Theurgia or the Egyptian Mysteries by Iamblichus (1911).pdf568.62KB
University of Missouri Press Plato through Homer, Poetry and Philosophy in the Cosmological Dialogues (2003).pdf563.85KB
Ashgate Publishing Dionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition, Despoiling the Hellenes (2007).pdf551.85KB
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Plato's Protagoras, Translation Commentary and Appendices (2010).pdf528.92KB
Princeton University Press Poetics before Plato, Interpretation and Authority in Early Greek Theories of Poetry (2003).pdf468.35KB
Hackett Publishing The Trial and Death of Socrates, By Plato 3rd (2001).pdf456.35KB
Oxford University Press Plato (1982).pdf341.94KB