breakingtheset Season 1 Episodes 1-200 720p
58.13 GB
2014-3-20 10:39
2025-3-1 19:04
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6B5CBF7F64643266A6412CFFD5F159703618A24E&dn=breakingtheset Season 1 Episodes 1-200 720p
breakingtheset Season 1 Episodes 1-200 720p.torrent
[01] Debut Show _ Breaking The Set.flv157.42MB
[02] Media Propaganda, Rachel Corrie, Bill Nye, iPhone Spying _ Breaking The Set.flv162.79MB
[03] Drones, Iran War, Nuclear California, NYPD in Israel _ Breaking The Set.flv160.46MB
[04] US Coup D'Etat, Genocide & Dissent, Photo Criminals, Monsanto Superbug _ Breaking The Set.flv156.41MB
[05] Islamophobia, Prison Slave Labor, TSA Police State.flv152.87MB
[06] 9_11_ No Civil Liberties, Gitmo Dryboarding, Afghanistan Opium War _ Breaking The Set.flv152.22MB
[07] RFID Spying on Your Kids, Citizen Journalism, Occupy Wall Street _ Breaking The Set.flv153.7MB
[08] NDAA, Syrian Intervention, Fed Stimulus, BP Criminality _ Breaking The Set.flv162.38MB
[09] Cameras Watching Cameras, TPP Secrecy, Drugged America _ Breaking The Set.flv149.27MB
[100] 100th Episode Show! LAPD Cop Killer, George Bush Naked Art.mp4373.28MB
[101] CISPA's Back, Space Hello Kitty, Anti-Gay Prom, Don't Join the Military.mp4394.57MB
[102] State of the Union Disinfo, Stop CISPA, Manufactured Terror.mp4383.53MB
[103] US Drug Trafficking, Chris Dorner Cover-up, Waco Massacre,.mp4357.41MB
[104] US' False Flags, Meteor Impact, Hagel Controversy, Anti-War Movement Dead_.mp4367.66MB
[105] The Philosophy of Anarchism, Keystone Pipeline_ Game Over_.mp4419.72MB
[106] Corporate Tax Bandits, Suing Monsanto, Science Fiction Realities.mp4396.59MB
[107] Mini Assassin Drones, Citizens United on Steroids, Bahrain Crackdown, Interrogating Immigrants.mp4374.37MB
[108] Media Fakes War Propaganda, Jesse Jackson's Shopping Spree, Targeting Doomsday Preppers.mp4363.9MB
[109] BTS' Best of Drones, NDAA Update, Revisiting George Galloway.mp4360.22MB
[10] Jesse Ventura_ Break the Two Party Dictatorship, Impunity for American War Crimes.flv153.3MB
[110] Poisoning WA, Oscars Propaganda, TPP Secrecy, Tour de Peace.mp4376.23MB
[111] Saddam's Physician, Iceland's Peaceful Revolution, Israel Violated Ceasefire.mp4372.22MB
[112] Italy Elections_ Euro Limbo, No Privacy with Smart Meters, Don't Sequester Me Bro.mp4388.1MB
[113] Hactivist Faces 100 Years, You Are What You Eat, Surveillance_ Modern Internment.mp4384.84MB
[114] Prison Slavery, Jurors_ Know Your Rights, Sleeping with Undercover Cops.mp4378.03MB
[115] Israel Dictates US Wars, Palestine Bus Segregation, Religion Breeds Control_.mp4397.91MB
[116] Top 5 Absurd War on Terror Tactics, Censoring Animal Cruelty, 1% vs 99% Class Warfare.mp4390.82MB
[117] Bitcoin Currency, Hugo Chavez Myths, Latin American Socialism.mp4416.81MB
[118] Homeless Epidemic, Rand Paul's Epic Filibuster, Fluoride Exposed.mp4397.29MB
[119] Women Solidarity, Chavez's Funeral, Political Laughs, Hemp Exposed.mp4389.76MB
[11] USA Made Dictators, NY Times Propaganda, 'They' Hate Us Because We Bomb Them _ Breaking The Set.flv150.73MB
[120] Fukushima_ Two Years On, Nuclear Energy Storm, Milk Doesn't Do Your Body Good.mp4384.69MB
[121] JFK 50 Year Cover-up, 'Sequestering' 9_11 First Responders, Cops Becoming Storm Troopers.mp4400.17MB
[122] Vulture Capitalists, Pope Smoke, $tudent Debt Bubble, NYPD & Kimani Gray.mp4358.71MB
[123] Sequestering the Poor, UFO Phenomena, Wall St. Extorts Washington.mp4391.78MB
[124] Dick Cheney_ 9_11 Cover Up, Black Water_ 'Extension of CIA'.mp4364.07MB
[125] Undocumented Police Criminality, All things GMO, NDAA_ An Assault on Free Speech.mp4351.37MB
[126] Iraq War 10 Yrs On_ Media Lies, Refugees, Ongoing Civil War_.mp4384.57MB
[127] Dennis Kucinich_ Truth & Accountability, Forgotten Veterans, Selling Syria & Iran Wars.mp4392.78MB
[128] Revolution of Values, Life in Post War Iraq, Depleted Uranium Radioactive Destruction.mp4371.88MB
[129] Obama's Cheap Mid-East Talk, Expose Corporate Bribes, TV Breeds Racism_.mp4399.78MB
[12] Social Media Spies, NDAA, More Money for Military _ Breaking The Set.flv154.88MB
[130] Cyprus' Botched Bailout, Ammonia & Arsenic in Food, Keystone Pipe_ Waiting on Obama.mp4427.38MB
[131] Big Oil Runs the World, Hateful Tweeter vs. Anti-War Leader, Truth about Bohemian Grove.mp4394.85MB
[132] Prisoners' Rights Upheld, Confronting Establishment Rhetoric, Knowledge vs. Belief.mp4395.39MB
[133] Roseanne's America, Mindless Media Parrots, Shocking Animated Drone Data.mp4432.63MB
[134] Heroic Beavers & Pitiful Prosecutors, 5 Crazy State Laws, Hate Speech & Perpetual War.mp4380.19MB
[135] Zeitgeist Revisited, Iraq Veteran's Call for Accountability, Importance of Whistleblowers.mp4400.19MB
[136] The Importance of Political Alternatives, Roseanne's Call for Activism.mp4437.47MB
[137] Unfit For Nobel Prize, DC's Revolving Door, Pig in the Pipeline.mp4410.49MB
[138] Nuclear War With North Korea, Cyprus Bailout Model, MLK Assassination Cover-up.mp4406.25MB
[139] Rohingya Genocide, Wikileaks Investigation, & Cellphone Surveillance.mp4373.13MB
[13] Racist America, Kent State Cover-up, Israel Propaganda _ Breaking The Set.flv150.81MB
[140] Media Revolution, Monsanto Lovefest, Collateral Murder_ Eyewitness Account.mp4411.51MB
[141] Margaret Thatcher's Dark Legacy, Limiting Abortion, Palestine's Third Intifada_.mp4372.62MB
[142] Cornel West in Depth, 99 Problems but Cuba Ain't One.mp4389.67MB
[143] Anarchism, Socialism & Libertarianism_ Alternatives for Peace.mp4421.4MB
[144] Sleeping Through a Revolution, US Undermines Mid-East Peace, A Truth-Telling Politician.mp4399.85MB
[145] Talk About Sex, Money out of Politics, Uproar over Drones.mp4500.7MB
[146] Corporate Media Disaster Porn, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Fights the System.mp4371.18MB
[147] Venezuela Protests, Disingenuous Journalism, Boston's Heroes & Political Vultures.mp4366.9MB
[148] CISPA_ Worse Than Patriot Act, Texas Blast Safety, Boston Bombing & Overlooked Tragedies.mp4399.63MB
[149] New Kind of Gitmo Torture, Losing Miranda Rights, Boston_ Prep for Police State_.mp4381.78MB
[14] Drug War Failure, Progressive Liberty, Death Penalty _ Breaking The Set.flv160.86MB
[150] Boston_ More Questions than Answers, Immigration Reform, CISPA_ Activists & Opportunists.mp4403.56MB
[151] Secret Agent Turned Whistleblower, Whitewashing War Crimes, and Murder Capital of the World.mp4391.11MB
[152] CISPA Spying in Effect, Islamophobia Redux, Drones Strikes are Terrorism.mp4440.76MB
[153] Bangladesh_ Cheap Clothes for Mass Deaths, LOL with Lee Camp, Hunger Strikes & Genocide.mp4417.56MB
[154] Dirty Wars_ Terror Begets Terror _ Jeremy Scahill Breaks the Set.mp4387.67MB
[155] Gary Johnson's Libertarianism, WHCD_ Journalism in Decline, Classified US History.mp4427.77MB
[156] May Day_ Demanding Workers' Rights, Repeating Vietnam_ Lies, Bloodshed & Perpetual War.mp4409.21MB
[157] Workers' Call to Action, Ag Gagging Whistleblowers, & Congress Cuts Poor for Parking.mp4433.24MB
[158] Guns_ Trafficking Deadly Commodities, Standardized Boycott, & Press Freedom Day.mp4431.06MB
[159] Latin American Economics, Kent State Massacre, Syria Media War of Words.mp4419.5MB
[15] US Lobbies for Terrorists, End The Fed, Rotten Side of Apple _ Breaking The Set.flv142.72MB
[160] BP_ Criminality Immunity, Iraq's Unstable Future, Comic Journalism, NYPD International Crusade.mp4385.52MB
[161] Iraq's Decade of Hell, State Death Distraction, CIA_ Blank Check.mp4394.72MB
[162] Computer Age Philosophy, Supreme Court Kings and Queens, Green Friends and Foes.mp4417.09MB
[163] Syria Hypocrisy & Colonialist Wars, FBI Professional Cat Burglars, Golden State Rocks Out.mp4430.87MB
[164] Imminent Fiscal Abyss, Whitewashing History, Gitmo Torture Report.mp4411.71MB
[165] Benghazi Hidden Truths, Israel's Narrative of Control, Pakistan Elections.mp4415.58MB
[166] Documenting Police Brutality, Pure Food, Genocide Convictions, Hacking AP Journalists.mp4400.08MB
[167] Assisting Death, Pakistan Elections, Justice for Abu Ghraib Torture Victims.mp4405.17MB
[168] Malcolm X Remembered, Boston_ Privacy vs. Security, Preview to Noam Chomsky.mp4475.16MB
[169] Dr. Noam Chomsky Breaks the Set on War, Imperialism, and Propaganda.mp4469.76MB
[16] Israel_ Elect Romney, Obama = Romney, UN General Assembly Distraction_ _ Breaking The Set.flv160.23MB
[170] Patenting the Human Body, Clash of Civilizations & Endless War.mp4413.17MB
[171] Obama's Orwellian Rhetoric, Congo War Crimes, Jail for Silence, DOJ FOX Assault.mp4393.72MB
[172] Obama's Drone Hit List, Dishonoring Veterans, Prosecuting Hactivists.mp4362.91MB
[173] Manslaughter for Miscarriage, Rohingya Population Control, Cure for Capitalism.mp4378.55MB
[174] Power of Spoken Word Poetry, and Millions Strong Against Monsanto.mp4348.97MB
[175] Turmoil in Turkey, China and the TPP, Gaza Flotilla Raid Three Years Later.mp4335.98MB
[176] Turkey Uncensored, Drone Collisions, Education Heroes, Jailed CIA Officer Speaks Out.mp4356.75MB
[177] GMO Labeling Law Fail, DNA Databases, Media Censorship, Geo-Engineering; Playing God_.mp4324.43MB
[178] Rape in the Military, Exposing Susan Rice, & Secrets of Bilderberg.mp4321.05MB
[179] NSA's PRISM_ Welcome to 1984, Lee Camp's Comedy, Rebel Inc. Rocks the Stage.mp4368.58MB
[17] Murderers Walk, Palestine Statehood for Peace, Cops Data-mine Faces _ Breaking The Set.flv162.01MB
[180] Drone Operators_ Glorified Murderers, NSA Whistleblower, Julian Assange Hit Piece.mp4322.86MB
[181] NSA Whistleblower Witch-hunt, Bilderberg 2013 Debriefed, Nestlé Water Takeover.mp4319.42MB
[182] Erdogan Threatens Turkey Protestors, Truth behind Wal-Mart, GMOs Sicken Pigs.mp4318.84MB
[183] Hong Kong Extradition Loophole, Cuban 5 Conspiracy, Turkey Targeting Lawyers.mp4328.65MB
[184] Exclusive Interview with Bolivian VP, What Socialism Could Look Like in America.mp4309.64MB
[185] Robots Stealing Jobs, Syrian Quagmire, Bill Maher Lackey, a Propaganda Piece.mp4322.79MB
[186] NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake, G8_ Global Country Club, Minority Report is Here.mp4344.46MB
[187] Brazil Uprising, Libya in Chaos, Assange's Limbo, Syria _Rebels_, RIP Michael Hastings.mp4259.01MB
[188] A New Iran, Black Budget Waste, Immigration Hate Speech.mp4308.04MB
[189] Gangster Banksters, World Bank Criminals, Military Suicide Epidemic, Brazil Protests.mp4305.81MB
[18] Anthrax Attacks Inside Job, US State of Surveillance, Europe Protests _ Breaking The Set.flv150.47MB
[190] Snowden's Next Move, Larry King on Role of Journalism, US Government's Blind Arrogance.mp4264.91MB
[191] Conspiracy to Commit Journalism, Nestlé Corporate Trolls, Supreme Court Historic Rulings.mp4303.44MB
[192] Epic Abortion Filibuster, Manning Update, LGBT Win & Ben Swann Truth-seeker.mp4308.47MB
[193] US Militarizing Africa, AU Summit, George Orwell's Birthday, Modern-day Eugenics.mp4351.55MB
[194] OG Banksters, Climate Change Reality, Snowden's Limbo, Honduras Coup 4 Yrs On.mp4313.01MB
[195] Targeted for 9_11 Warning, Voting Rights for 'Some', Obama's Mandela Hypocrisy.mp4314.52MB
[196] Cops Killing Pets, Cindy Sheehan's Tour de Peace, No Asylum for Snowden_.mp4324.24MB
[197] Kidnapped by Imperialism, Weaponized Border Drones, FBI Infiltrates Wikileaks.mp4305.89MB
[198] NSA Recruiting Fail, Gabon Ritual Killings, Egypt in Turmoil, Mos Def Gets Tortured.mp4267.07MB
[199] Life Sentence for Hacktivism, Ramadan Force Feeding, Zimmerman Media Circus.mp4321.58MB
[19] Israel Lobby_ Attack Iran, Obama War on Whistleblowers _ Breaking The Set.flv148.65MB
[200] TPP's Corporate Takeover, Your Third Amendment Right, Lobbying_ Legalized Bribery.mp4259.26MB
[20] Monsanto Government Orgy, War on Transparency, Patriotism or Extremism _ Breaking The Set.flv145.16MB
[21] Obama Drone King, Dictators Sponsor CNN, Venezuela's Elections _ Breaking The Set.flv141.7MB
[22] Afghanistan_ Epic Fail, US Politics Illusion of Choice, Soldiers Resist War _ Breaking The Set.flv146.92MB
[23] Presidential Debates Distraction, Romney's Koch Problem _ Breaking The Set.flv146.83MB
[24] Occupy Politics, US Soldiers Now _Terrorists,_ Blackwater Impunity, Syrian War.flv147.6MB
[25] Venezuela more Democratic than US_ Hate Speech near You, Be the Media.flv141.77MB
[26] Nobel Mass Murder Prize, NDAA, Europe Riots, CISPA Returns_.flv154.15MB
[27] Jill Stein's Green New Deal, Think Tanks Run Congress.flv137.31MB
[28] Pro-life Hypocrite, TSA Scanner Scam, Greg Palast on Billionaire Bandits.flv137.43MB
[29] Obama the Fraud, VP Debates_ Everyone Loses, Egypt's Reality.flv132.09MB
[30] Crisis of Civilization, Gore for Peace, SERCO Owns the World.flv153.62MB
[31] Gov. Gary Johnson's Plan for America, Presidential Debates Disservice.flv131.68MB
[32] Meningitis Scareingitis, Two Party Sham, Eco-Activism, Drug Dogs.flv125.59MB
[33] Sexism Sells, Daily Show Fail, How to Steal an Election.flv121.61MB
[35] Presidential Puppet Show, Drones _R_ Us, Bilderberg Exposed.flv136.23MB
[36] Rebranding Propaganda, Normalizing Torture, Third Party Censorship.flv127.94MB
[37] Zeitgeist Revolution, TSA Robbery, Occupy Oakland Anniversary.flv133.08MB
[38] No More Nukes, Got Climate Change_ Help the Holy Land Five.flv118.02MB
[39] Activism Now Terrorism, Yes on Prop 37, Reselling Goods Illegal.flv126.01MB
[40] Staged Terror, Fukushima Crime Syndicate, Conspiracy Reality.flv116.84MB
[41] Ralph Nader_ Don't Vote for Evil, US Double Standards, Vote for CA Props.flv137.26MB
[42] Senseless Rioting, Heroic Journalism, Storm of Bigotry, Inconsequential Elections.flv133.22MB
[43] Anti-Election_ DC Poverty, Corporate Sponsorship, Your Voice is Your Vote.flv133.48MB
[44] Election Hangover with Rocky Anderson, Bradley Manning, MSNBC_ You're Stupid!.flv128.74MB
[45] Israel Impunity, Marijuana & Gay Marriage, Iran Not a Threat.flv118.07MB
[46] Police State 101, Torture Impunity, Obama's Second Chance_.flv132.96MB
[47] Prop 37 Fraud, Honor Vets_ End War, OWS Absolves Debt.flv123.62MB
[48] Dictators Buy US Foreign Policy, LGBT Civil rights, Fiscal Cliff-Diving.flv137.91MB
[49] Cyber Pearl Harbor, Money & Politics, Kill Gays Bill, Term Limits.flv136.89MB
[50] Human Devolution, Israel & Palestine_ A History of Occupation.flv145.67MB
[51] Gaza Burns, BP Impunity, Sex Obsessed Media.flv142.58MB
[52] Internet Kill Switch, US Media Lackeys for Israel, OWS Relieves $7Million in Debt.flv126.52MB
[53] Israeli Activist Speaks Out, Pakistan_ War on Poverty, Latin America's Drug War Pivot.flv120.24MB
[54] Israel's War on Truth, Politics of Pardoning, Sociology of Security.flv126.57MB
[55] Israeli Propaganda, Profiting off Occupation, Consumerist America.flv114.8MB
[56] President Jimmy Carter Breaks the Set, America's Deadliest Export_ _Democracy_.flv146.71MB
[57] Haiti_ US Backed Coup, UN Occupation, Cholera Epidemic, Solutions.flv150.05MB
[58] Charging Israel with War Crimes, Syria WMDs, War on Men_.flv128.53MB
[59] Hactivist Entrapment, Aspartame, Syria War Inevitable.flv138.04MB
[60] Scumbag Journalism, FBI Entrapment, Bradley Manning Unlawful Treatment.flv142.38MB
[61] Deadly Mexican Protests, Drone King's Xmas List, Fiscal Cliff Nightmare.flv140.8MB
[62] Royal Fetus Distraction, NDAA 2013 Propaganda, Surveillance State.flv133.19MB
[63] US Army Kills Kids, MI Right to Work, Egypt's Unfinished Revolution, Pentagon Black Budget.flv134.03MB
[64] 9_11 First Responders, US Funds Syrian Opposition, Food Stamps.flv140.59MB
[65] Oliver Stone Corrects American History.flv147.69MB
[66] Zero Dark Propaganda, Cholera in Haiti, Good Cops, Bad Wife Beaters.flv135.3MB
[67] Government Allowed 9_11, America's Failure in Afghanistan.flv128.03MB
[68] Myths about the 'Jewish State', Media Exploits Sandy Hook Mass Shooting.mp4348.97MB
[69] Iraq Worse Than Ever, Double Tap Drones, _God Hates Fags_ Church Pickets Sandy Hook.mp4343.38MB
[70] Government Mind Control_ MKULTRA & LSD, Down with Death Penalty, Gun Happy America.mp4372.28MB
[71] Americans Living an Illusion, 2012 Misses, 2013 Predictions.mp4370.92MB
[72] End of the World_ Oliver Stone on Obama's Empire, Big Brother's Creepiest Toys.mp4419.11MB
[73] Fukushima Dead Zone, Misogynist Priests, Islamophobia Machine.mp4391.53MB
[74] American Violence, Damaging Paranoia, Fiscal Cliff Fail.mp4360.29MB
[75] FISA Spying, Fiscal Cliff Diversion, Healthy Government Skepticism.mp4340.74MB
[76] Targeting Journalists, Murderous Honduras, Bush's Fourth Term.mp4394.45MB
[77] Chris Hedges_ Death of Liberal Class, OWS Surveillance Exposed, Clean Energy.mp4355.4MB
[78] Iraq Torture Payoff, Indigenous Fight Back, Truth Seekers Prosecuted, Free Cuban 5.mp4395.84MB
[79] US Hostage to Israel_ Al Gore_ Grade A Hypocrite, Dawning of the Drones.mp4389.14MB
[80] Gitmo Torture House, Obama Destroys Small Business, Keystone Raw Deal.mp4353.38MB
[81] Jack Lew Exposed, Deadly Iran Sanctions, Gitmo Guard Speaks Out.mp4382.88MB
[82] Re-Learning History, Media Censorship, and Aaron Swartz's Legacy.mp4346.99MB
[83] CIA Infiltrates Media, Israel Elections 'Get the Hell out of the Middle East'.mp4376.45MB
[84] Boots Riley on Dissent, Media Herd Mentality, Nuclear Testing in Your Neighborhood.mp4412.47MB
[85] Confessions of an Economic Hitman, Justice for Rachel Corrie.mp4376.18MB
[86] End Racism, End Militarism, Obama's Bush Doctrine, MLK_ Silence is Betrayal.mp4403.56MB
[87] Rev. Jesse Jackson_ _Change is Bottom-Up_, The System is Rigged, _Obama is the Terrorist_.mp4414.82MB
[88] Kim Dotcom Defies US Government, Lee Camp's Funny Truths.mp4408.95MB
[89] Jordan Elections_ 'Empty Pageant', Kim Dotcom on Internet Freedoms, Sokha Hor, Know Your Rights.mp4405.1MB
[90] Stop & Frisk Coming to Oakland, Tatiana Moroz Performs, Egypt's Next Stage of Revolution.mp4448.94MB
[91] US & Israel's Nuclear Secrets, Morocco Silences Truth, PBS Military Propaganda.mp4409.97MB
[92] Israel's Eugenics Exposed, Police State Prep, GMO Virus, Latin America Flips Capitalism.mp4413.95MB
[93] George Galloway Exclusive, Immigration Hypocrisy, US Law_ Watergate Gone Wild.mp4362.6MB
[94] Jail Torturers Not Whistleblowers, Oceans_ Humanity's Landfill, War on Terror Killed Liberty.mp4386.98MB
[95] Artists' Duty, 'Crude', Anti-Establishment Muralist.mp4414.19MB
[96] Cancerous Capitalism, NFL Brain Disease, US Education_ Turning Kids into Drones.mp4348.63MB
[97] North Korea Not a Threat, US' Expansive Terror Programs, Mali_ Bombing for Peace_.mp4396.09MB
[98] Exclusive NDAA Coverage_ Call to Action with Chris Hedges.mp4353.11MB
[99] US' Betrayal of Truth, Fallout from Fracking, Arms of an Expanding Military.mp4337.07MB