[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - React Front To Back 2022
5.87 GB
2022-4-7 19:18
2025-3-22 04:57
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:46e171332929785f1b6c187fe651cc1e92c39b44&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - React Front To Back 2022
[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - React Front To Back 2022.torrent
1. Introduction/1. Welcome To The Course!.mp431.49MB
1. Introduction/2. What Is React.mp434.85MB
1. Introduction/3. Environment Setup.mp444.99MB
1. Introduction/4. Code Repos.mp417.96MB
10. User Profile & Alerts/1. Alert Context & Reducer.mp454.62MB
10. User Profile & Alerts/2. Alert Component.mp449.58MB
10. User Profile & Alerts/3. Get Single User.mp468.54MB
10. User Profile & Alerts/4. User Profile Top.mp468.97MB
10. User Profile & Alerts/5. User Profile Stats.mp457.94MB
10. User Profile & Alerts/6. Repo Items.mp459.5MB
11. Refactoring Context & Actions/1. Move SearchUsers To Actions File.mp450.84MB
11. Refactoring Context & Actions/2. Move getUser To Actions File.mp462.38MB
11. Refactoring Context & Actions/3. Cleaning Up Our Actions & Axios.mp422.41MB
11. Refactoring Context & Actions/4. Deploy To Vercel.mp415.65MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/1. Section Intro.mp44.36MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/2. useRef Example 1 - Create DOM Reference.mp450.34MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/3. useRef Example 2 - Get Previous State.mp431.02MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/4. useRef Example 3 - Memory Leak Error Fix.mp464.06MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/5. useMemo Example.mp470.16MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/6. useCallback Example.mp456.09MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/7. Custom Hook 1 - useFetch.mp470.25MB
12. More Advanced React Hooks/8. Custom Hook 2 - useLocalStorage.mp4114.24MB
13. House Marketplace Project Start/1. House Marketplace Project Intro.mp443.21MB
13. House Marketplace Project Start/2. App & FIrebase Setup.mp452.32MB
13. House Marketplace Project Start/3. Enable Authentication & Create Rules.mp452.09MB
13. House Marketplace Project Start/4. Dummy Data & Indexes.mp499.02MB
13. House Marketplace Project Start/5. Pages & Routes.mp439.23MB
13. House Marketplace Project Start/6. Navbar Component.mp468.58MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/1. Sign In & Sign Up Forms.mp494.81MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/10. Google OAuth.mp4100.81MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/2. Register User.mp441.61MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/3. Save User To Firestore.mp435.66MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/4. User Sign In.mp464.44MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/5. Alerts With React Toastify.mp441.27MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/6. User Logout.mp433.92MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/7. Display & Update User Details.mp494.55MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/8. PrivateRoute Component & useAuthStatus Hook.mp4110.54MB
14. Firebase Authentication & Profile/9. Forgot Password Page.mp460.7MB
15. Get & Create Listings/1. Explore Page.mp432.58MB
15. Get & Create Listings/10. Quick Note & Change.mp420.82MB
15. Get & Create Listings/2. Fetch Listings From Firebase.mp4109.75MB
15. Get & Create Listings/3. Listing Item Component.mp476.81MB
15. Get & Create Listings/4. Offers Page.mp425.5MB
15. Get & Create Listings/5. Start Create Listing Page.mp498.78MB
15. Get & Create Listings/6. Create Listing Form.mp4122.51MB
15. Get & Create Listings/7. Get Coords With Geocoding API.mp4127.4MB
15. Get & Create Listings/8. Uploading Images To FIrebase.mp499.32MB
15. Get & Create Listings/9. Save Listings To Firestore.mp462.43MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/1. Fetch Single Listing.mp453.52MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/10. Edit Listing.mp4118.03MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/11. Clear Up Console Warnings.mp438.35MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/12. Deploy To Vercel.mp424.07MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/2. Listing Details.mp465.11MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/3. Contact Landlord Page.mp479.18MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/4. Leaflet Map.mp466.77MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/5. Listings Page Slider.mp465.38MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/6. Explore Slider.mp4108.33MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/7. Profile Listings & Delete.mp4111.13MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/8. Load More Pagination.mp473.96MB
16. Single Listings, Map, Slider & Edit/9. Edit Listing Icon.mp447.43MB
2. React Basics & JSX/1. Feedback Project Intro.mp48.58MB
2. React Basics & JSX/2. Create React App.mp456.03MB
2. React Basics & JSX/3. Initializing React.mp436.81MB
2. React Basics & JSX/4. Intro To JSX.mp438.39MB
2. React Basics & JSX/5. Dynamic Values & LIsts in JSX.mp429.16MB
2. React Basics & JSX/6. Conditionals in JSX.mp433.46MB
3. Components, Props & State/1. Creating Your First Component & Props.mp448.44MB
3. Components, Props & State/2. Adding Styles To A Component.mp432.17MB
3. Components, Props & State/3. State & useState Hook.mp419.45MB
3. Components, Props & State/4. Managing Global State.mp460.98MB
3. Components, Props & State/5. Card Component & Conditional Styles.mp472.08MB
3. Components, Props & State/6. Events & Prop Drilling.mp485.26MB
3. Components, Props & State/7. FeedbackStats Component & Reactivity.mp454.62MB
4. Forms, Validation & Simple Animation/1. Form Input & State.mp445.39MB
4. Forms, Validation & Simple Animation/2. Custom Button Component.mp438.2MB
4. Forms, Validation & Simple Animation/3. Real-Time Validation.mp436.65MB
4. Forms, Validation & Simple Animation/4. Rating Select Component.mp456.16MB
4. Forms, Validation & Simple Animation/5. Add Feedback.mp458.21MB
4. Forms, Validation & Simple Animation/6. Fade Animation With Framer Motion.mp430.3MB
5. Creating Routes & Links/1. Creating Routes (React Router 5).mp461.18MB
5. Creating Routes & Links/2. Upgrading To React Router 6.mp414.09MB
5. Creating Routes & Links/3. Creating Links (v5 & v6).mp438.68MB
5. Creating Routes & Links/4. NavLink & useParams.mp416.27MB
5. Creating Routes & Links/5. Navigate & Nested Routes.mp439.07MB
6. Context API, useContext Hook & Deployment/1. Create a Context & Provider.mp452.72MB
6. Context API, useContext Hook & Deployment/2. Get Global State With The useContext Hook.mp441.6MB
6. Context API, useContext Hook & Deployment/3. Moving Functions To Context.mp464.17MB
6. Context API, useContext Hook & Deployment/4. Edit Feedback Event.mp444.95MB
6. Context API, useContext Hook & Deployment/5. Side Effects With useEffect.mp466.06MB
6. Context API, useContext Hook & Deployment/6. Update Feedback Item.mp441.74MB
6. Context API, useContext Hook & Deployment/7. Deploy To Netlify.mp429.33MB
7. APIs & HTTP Requests/1. APIs & Requests Explained.mp425.9MB
7. APIs & HTTP Requests/2. Setting Up JSON-Server Mock Backend.mp440.76MB
7. APIs & HTTP Requests/3. Run Client & Server With Concurrently.mp416.43MB
7. APIs & HTTP Requests/4. Fetch Data From JSON-Server Backend.mp438.83MB
7. APIs & HTTP Requests/5. Spinner Component.mp445.13MB
7. APIs & HTTP Requests/6. Add Feedback & Setting a Proxy.mp448.93MB
7. APIs & HTTP Requests/7. Update & Delete From JSON-Server.mp431.9MB
8. GitHub Finder Project Start/1. GitHub Finder Project Intro.mp413.64MB
8. GitHub Finder Project Start/2. Setup Tailwind & Daisy UI.mp466.68MB
8. GitHub Finder Project Start/3. Navbar Component.mp419.22MB
8. GitHub Finder Project Start/4. Footer Component.mp422.78MB
8. GitHub Finder Project Start/5. Pages & Routes.mp446.19MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/1. Github API & Getting Token.mp445.41MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/10. Clear Users.mp425.09MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/2. UserList Component.mp468.76MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/3. Loading Spinner.mp423.28MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/4. Display Users.mp448.04MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/5. Setup Github Context.mp473.64MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/6. Reducers & useReducer Hook.mp474.78MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/7. Clean Up Fetch Users.mp430.52MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/8. User Search Component.mp464.61MB
9. Working With The GitHub API/9. Search Users.mp433.96MB